Prosecutor Luz Adriana Camargo makes changes in the Prosecutor’s Office with new directive on the role of prosecutors

Prosecutor Luz Adriana Camargo makes changes in the Prosecutor’s Office with new directive on the role of prosecutors
Prosecutor Luz Adriana Camargo makes changes in the Prosecutor’s Office with new directive on the role of prosecutors

The Attorney General of the Nation, Luz Adriana Camargosigned a document on Thursday in which he provides a new guideline on the functions carried out by prosecutors throughout the country.

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Its about Memorandum 001 of June 27with which the head of the accusing entity and her management team seek Strengthen the clarification of casesin order to counteract the number of acquittal sentences that have been presented in recent years, with unfavorable numbers for the Prosecutor’s Office.

In short, the new directive orders that the prosecutor who takes on a criminal case in the inquiry phase -that is, when preliminary proceedings against a particular person begin-, it will be the same person who takes it to the final stage, whether it be a trial or a negotiation endorsed by a judge.

Attorney General’s Office bunker building.

Photo:Jesus Blanquicet. TIME

This ends the model that had been applied in the Prosecutor’s Office, which consisted of practically There were some prosecutors who were dedicated only to the initial procedures against a captured person.and after charging him, they passed the case file to other prosecutors, who took on the final stretch before a judge or magistrate.

This newspaper learned that Camargo adopted this decision after reading the obstacles generated by having two prosecutors at different stages. One of them is that sometimes the Judicial Police that carried out proceedings with the first prosecutor, then could not find the other investigator and unnecessary delays were generated.

Prosecutor’s Summit in Armenia


The meeting in Armenia

The guideline that changes the functions of prosecutors began to be built with the directors of the different delegates and sections of the Prosecutor’s Office in the meeting that prosecutor Camargo held at the beginning of June in ArmeniaQuindío, where he announced the pillars to be implemented in his administration.

One of those approaches is to understand the territorial dynamics, and therefore there are exceptions in which a prosecutor will not take on the entire process. Although they are remote, among them is that in departments such as Putumayo where there is a shortage of judges, There will be cases in which a municipal prosecutor advances the preliminary phase, and to save paperwork and be more agile, a prosecutor from Mocoa will assume it in the trial stage. That, however, will be established by each section.

Directive from the Prosecutor’s Office on new functions for prosecutors.

Photo:Prosecutor’s Office

The aforementioned memorandum also includes other aspects in its seven pages, such as the actions to restore the right that they intend to implement so that a prosecutor can go before a judge in order to request that the effects on a victim be mitigated.

Among these is the case in which a victim They use his name to get several cell phone linesnow the prosecutor will be able to expose these types of situations more directly before a judge in order to avoid them. These types of interventions will also occur in the computer theftsin which mediation can be made so that the bank is responsible – if applicable – and not the victim.

Another point included in the aforementioned guideline has to do with conciliation units are reactivatedwhich had disappeared and will now concentrate on implementing mediations between the parties in a process.

“The comprehensive approach involves, among others, Strengthen the application of restorative justice and reward justice mechanismsintensify strategic analysis to promote investigations, adopt or request immediate measures to restore the rights of victims, and build rigorous methodological programs as guides for the investigative process, aimed at ensuring sufficient evidence,” the Prosecutor’s Office explained.

Carlos López – Justice Editorial – @CarlosL49 – [email protected]

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