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Bucaramanga players were received as heroes; Thousands of people took to the streets to celebrate the dream come true

Atlético Bucaramanga celebrated this Saturday, June 15, the first title in its entire history. After 75 years of existence, the leopard roared and was able to shout champion after a heart-stopping penalty shootout against Santa Fe and in a completely full Nemesio Camacho El Campín stadium.

The capital of Santander is celebrating and nothing will change. In fact, Mayor Jaime Andrés Beltrán, a fervent fan of the team and who was accompanying them in Bogotá, joined the celebration, and declared a civic day for next Monday. in search of citizens being able to celebrate this first star they have won in Colombian professional soccer.

The footballers moved through the streets of the city. | Photo: Photo of the Week / Video screenshot taken from networks

Welcomed as heroes

In the streets of the call pretty city Everything is joyful, thousands of people came out to show off their team-related clothing and gathered in the blocks to wait for the footballers, who were received as heroes. Bridges and sidewalks were full of fans who came out with vuvuzelas and whistles to thank the players for this joy they gave them.

Joy is what is breathed in the streets of Bucaramanga. | Photo: Week

With a strong police operation, The athletes traveled first in the team bus and then in a firefighter vehicle in which they were able to show the trophy through the streets of the capital of Santander. “The auriverde tide,” the club wrote on its social networks, accompanying the message with an impressive photograph of the reception by the citizens.

“We are going to receive the Atlético Bucaramanga players at the Stadium, there we are going to give them the keys to Santander and we are going to praise the campaign they did. and that today has an entire region living the happiness of having achieved the first star for the leopard team,” said Óscar Hernández, Secretary of the Interior of Santander, earlier.

Thousands of people took to the streets to celebrate. | Photo: Week

After the decree signed by the mayor and with the civic day confirmed, It is expected that the celebrations will last until Monday and fans will be able to enjoy this moment of history that Rafael Dudamel and his team wrote, a dream that after 75 years of existence came true.

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