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Messi’s confession about Sergio Ramos: “He was the player I was most angry with” :: Olé

06/18/2024 09:21am.

While the beginning of a new beats America Cup with the Argentine National Team, Lionel Messi He showed his most earthly and intimate side and was encouraged to talk about topics that he usually does not usually talk about in full competition. How her relationship with him was born Antonela Roccuzzo, jealousy in the couple, their favorite novels and where in the world they would like to visit. And, among so many confessions, Leo also told who was the player he got most angry with. And surely the answer will not surprise his fans: “Sergio Ramos.”

We fought a lot with Sergio Ramos. He was the player I was most angry with. Afterwards we were teammates, but in the Classics we always held each other. The classics were intense“, Messi said, in a relaxed chat with Dispuestos a Todo, his nephew Tomás’ program.

Of course, before being teammates at Paris Saint Germain, Leo and Ramos, who at that time was a figure at Real Madrid, They faced each other 44 times. In fact, he is the player he faced the most times in his career. The balance? Positive for La Pulga: 19 wins, nine draws and 16 falls.

Several of his crosses on the playing field are well remembered and even Ramos was sent off in one of them for a very harsh challenge on Messi in the middle of the field. Furthermore, at that time, it was not unusual to see them face to face at some tense moment in the game.

A rivalry that, beyond how intense it seemed on the playing field, finally It was left aside when they both met at PSG. It was even common to see them sharing smiling chats in practice and in the locker room.

Some of the remembered crossings

Intimate Messi: jealousy, novels and the place he wants to know in Argentina

“We just finished eating and we were in the room having some mates. Generally we meet in a room at all times. After training, eating, and there we have mates. Together.” The usual ritual is repeated in the United States. Before the start of a new Copa América, Lionel Messi Enjoy with your companions. He laughs and is more genuine than ever. So much so that, before the afternoon training that the National Team had in Atlanta, from his room in concentration, He gave an interview for the streaming program of Tomás Messi, his nephew, and spoke about his private life: “Before I was jealous”, the sport in which he does not stand out and the dream of touring Argentina.

Lionel Messi and Leandro Paredes (Tato Pagano/AFA Press).

The dream of traveling through Argentina

Messi knows the world. Soccer (or fúlbo, as he says) took him to visit many countries around the globe. However, he has a pending account: to tour his country. “I never had the opportunity and it is something that we always talk about with Antonela and do it as a family. Being able to visit our country that has wonderful places and many people from Spain who visit our country tell me about places they visited and I don’t know. Obviously I saw them in photos but I never went,” he says in Willingness to Everything, the streaming program of his nephew, Tomás de Él.

When asked what specific place he would like to visit, Messi responded: “I would like to visit the falls, a place so typical for us that I don’t know and I would like to go. A few years ago Antonela went with the children and I couldn’t go.” It is one of his plans for “when all this is over and I have time. I will surely visit my country.”

Messi’s surprising response when asked about his favorite novels

In his free time, apart from watching football, Diez consumes a wide variety of films. When he was younger and lived in the country “I watched ‘Cebollitas’ and ‘Chiquititas’ a lot. “I didn’t really like the little drawings.” Then, when he grew up, he got hooked on novels. “I like ‘Brave’, ‘Campeones’, ‘Son de Amores’ and ‘Game of Thrones’.”

His relationship with Antonela and jealousy

Although post-Qatar Messi is much looser, when he is asked something that bothers him he always smiles and turns red. When they asked him if he was jealous, he responded with a laugh: “Now I’m not jealous. When I was younger I was jealous. When we were dating Anto, but it’s been a while now. I had my times but I haven’t been jealous for a while now.”

In addition, he told how he met Antonela: “I started playing in Newell’s and there I became good friends with Lucas, Antonela’s cousin and he is one of my best friends all my life. I went to his house, to eat, sleep and I went there a lot. I met her there, we knew each other from a very young age and we always liked each other. At that time it was called: “Amigovios”, ha. When I was 13 years old I went to Spain and we lost contact. At that time communication was much more difficult. Then we stopped talking, we became very distant from both Lucas and her. At 16/17 we met again and chatted with Messenger and Mail. We got closer again and we hadn’t lost the feeling we had since we were kids, nothing had changed. At 19/20 years old we already got married.” And he added: “The reunion with Antonela after my trip to Barcelona was when I returned to Argentina and it was much easier for me to be able to get around. I was with Matías, the one who took me everywhere in Rosario. I looked for an excuse to go visit Lucas and see her, ha. There we saw each other again and started again.”

Messi and Antonela in Miami.

About your level of English

“The truth is that I understand almost everything and little by little I’m starting to talk. I think I have to let go and encourage myself to talk about it. Out of shame or fear of sending me someone, I don’t send myself to talk but I think I could start talking and understand a lot.”

The sport in which he does not stand out

“I’m bad at tennis. It’s much more difficult than paddle tennis, it’s very technical. With Antonela we went to a couple of classes and then we stopped. I tried a couple of times but I don’t know how to play it.” And he also says: “I played ping pong a lot. In the camps more than anything. We spent a lot of time playing ping pong and tricks.”

His new actor profile: “I have fun”

“I like it, I have fun. I have been doing advertisements for many years, since I was very young. I got more and more into it. When they are funny things and there is a good atmosphere, it is good to do it. It amuses me.” However, he assured that it makes him a little uncomfortable but that it is not an impediment to stop doing it: “A lot of situations make me nervous. Beyond the fact that they are moments to laugh and have a good time, the nervousness of wanting to do well in front of so many people in the recording is always there. But then it goes away.”

The satisfaction of having your new beverage brand

“The whole process we went through was very nice. I was lucky to do it with Antonela and the boys. I entered an environment where I didn’t know anything. I always had the idea but never had the time. Here in the US I met the people indicated that helped me with this and I am very happy with the result. Furthermore, he values ​​his free time so he can dedicate it to something else: “Now that I have more time than before, I take advantage of it to spend my time on other things and not be as involved in football as I was all my life.”

Messi’s new drink.

Your temptation for sweet things

“I’m not one to eat anything secretly. But at night, when the kids and Antonela are sleeping and I’m out there watching a game, I go down to look for something sweet. I really like sweet things: chocolate, alfajor, whatever I find in the moment. Not every night, but I do it often.

A final reflection before the Copa América

“We will try to achieve the goal. Although it is not easy to win it again, we are preparing to fight it again and do it again. Always thank all the Argentines for their love, for me it was very special to be able to achieve everything I achieved and have the affection of the people of Argentina, a place that I love so much. I am grateful for everything.”

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