Dollar today, blue dollar today: how much is it trading this Saturday, June 29

Dollar today, blue dollar today: how much is it trading this Saturday, June 29
Dollar today, blue dollar today: how much is it trading this Saturday, June 29
  • Wholesale dollar


  • Euro



This Saturday June 29 there is no activity in the financial market and, both for the official dollar as for the Dolar bluethe closing values ​​of the last business day of the week are taken as reference.

On the last business day, the official dollaron the blackboards of the National Bank, was quoted at $892.53 for purchase and $950.42 for sale. After the devaluation implemented by the Government in December, throughout each month they apply mini-devaluations either crawling peg of 2 percent.

The latest price of the official dollar

Meanwhile, the Dolar blueon the last business day was quoted at $1260 for purchase and $1365 for sale. In this way, the gap between the official and parallel exchange rates is $434.50.

The value of financial dollars, a category that includes the MEP dollar (or Stock Dollar) and to CCL dollar (counted with settlement), involves stock market mechanisms to obtain this currency through the sale of bonds and stockschanged on the last trading day.

On the last business day, these exchange rates closed at the following value:

The price of financial dollarsShutterstock

President Javier Milei In dialogue with LN+ he referred to the next steps of your managementfollowing the approval of the Bases Law in the House of Representatives.

“There is a virtuous balance that as you move forward in increasing the demand for money and the economic situation is recomposed, what you will have is that the simple monetary base looks more like the broad one, until they finish disappear paid liabilities“, he detailed about the progress towards the second phase of his administration and it was then that he reiterated: “Once we resolve the problem of the puts [títulos de deuda soberana emitidos en pesos], this would be putting an end to paid liabilities. Once we also manage to converge on matters of inflationwhen all this set of elements is fulfilled, the conditions to get out of the trap.”

This is the step by step for buy and sell MEP dollar through home banking:


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