Detox: How to activate the time limit on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube

Detox: How to activate the time limit on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube
Detox: How to activate the time limit on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube


The social networks They are for-profit companies without the intention of loss. And their currency, their main “product” is each user and the time they spend each day while using them.

Every action that each person does at the moment of “scroll“, from going from video to video, in Instagram, TikTok or YouTube is carefully analyzed by algorithm ―the software behind any platform―. This seeks to identify your tastes and interests with two purposes: first, to give you more of what you “like” and keep you “stuck” on the app for as long as possible; and, secondly, to refine the profile of the individual, his/her preferences, and the products or services that may interest him/her. So it includes it in “audience groups” that are then sold to advertising companies, which seek to impact certain social groups according to their sales or marketing intentions.

There are various functions to limit the time spent on social networksShutterstock – Shutterstock

Due to the combination of user tastes with the effect of technologies such as “infinite scroll” (there is no end to the scrolling of videos) and the autoplay (the videos play one after the other automatically), a person can spend several hours in front of their cell phone and lose track of time.

Each of the social networks It has its own tools that help configure alarms and screen time limits. The same is available for both cell phone systems Android as for iPhone.

In the case of TikTokto activate the time limit it is necessary to follow the following steps:

TikTok also offers “Screen time breaks”, with which the app will say that it is time to rest a little, depending on the period defined; and “Bedtime reminder” to help you disconnect for a reasonable amount of time before going to bed. In this way it will be possible reduce the time spent on said social network until you reach a sufficient period without exaggerating or taking time away from important things during the day.

In the case of instagram, This is the procedure, which must be done from your cell phone:

Finally, in Youtubetime control functions are only available on platform applications on Android, iPhone, iPad and tablets. This means that it cannot be found in the desktop version of the computer or browser. To activate them, you must do the following:

The cell phone allows you to limit the use of some applicationsShutterstock

For their part, the cell phones They have functions in their systems that allow you to control screen time, the number of hours of use per day and when to disconnect.

In the case of iPhonethis is the procedure to follow:

In Androidthe following must be done:

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