Sony’s Electronic Variable ND Filter Explained in New Video Series

Sony has published a series of video guides on the electronic variable ND filter system, explaining how it works and what its benefits are. Let’s take a look at this series covering this useful feature on select Sony camera models!

Sony launched a feature in their cameras, an internal electronic variable ND filter. The function, available on the BURANO, PXW-FX9, PXW-FX6, PXW-Z280 and PXW-Z190 models, goes one step further in making our lives easier when filming and taking photographs since we will no longer need to use external filters, adapters, etc.

System presentation

In the first video, Sony shows the definition of this Electronic Variable ND filter. With conventional internal optical ND filter wheels, the strength of each filter is fixed, with a jump occurring when switching from one to another. On the other hand, with variable ND filters the image and colors suffer as we change their intensity.

The first video from the series introduces the system.

The Sony system has an optical base and can be used in different ways. The first option is to use the dial on the side of the camera, which goes from 1/4 to 1/128. The second option is to use “Auto ND” in the menu, allowing the camera to adjust the filter to find the correct exposure while recording. This option is useful for filming outdoors or during live events where lighting conditions are constantly changing. The third option is to set fixed filter levels, a method many of us apply when working with professional video cameras with conventional filter wheels. We can change the default values ​​depending on which ones are most appropriate in each situation.

It is possible to change the intensity from 1/4 to 1/128 (2 to 7 stops). Source: Sony

How does it work

Without an ND filter, when light intensity changes, you have three options to adjust your image: change the iris value, shutter speed, or ISO/gain. All three options will involve a commitment on your part as the character of the image will change. If you change the iris, the depth of field will be affected. On the other hand, changing the shutter speed will change the motion blur effect and this will be more noticeable if the change is drastic. Finally, changing the ISO or gain will affect how the sensor reacts to the image, usually adding or reducing noise or affecting how highlights and shadows are treated, which can be an issue for maintaining consistency in the scene.

Video 2. How the system works.

To help you solve these problems, Sony’s electronic variable ND filter offers optical exposure control without any of the problems mentioned above. Once again, the advantage over standard internal ND systems is that Electronic Variable ND changes exposure seamlessly, from 2 to 7 stops, thanks to the Auto ND mode.

The system is very useful when using third-party lenses, especially photographic or manual lenses without click-free aperture rings, where iris adjustments are often noticeable.

Last but not least, the Electronic Variable ND system allows us to choose and stay within our preferred iris range to avoid soft images at the widest apertures or diffraction when we have to brake drastically to compensate for exposure; This guarantees a sharp image in every situation.

You can watch the video series by clicking here.

What do you think of Sony’s electronic variable ND system? Would you like it to be implemented in your current camera? Tell us your opinion in the comments below!

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