The viral trick that allows you to open your car from afar using your head

The viral trick that allows you to open your car from afar using your head
The viral trick that allows you to open your car from afar using your head

If you are in a large parking lot and can’t find your car, this simple trick will simplify and speed up your search

This trick that has gone viral can help you find your car in large parking lots | Pexels Photography

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You go to a huge shopping center, leave your car in an even bigger parking lot, and when you try to find it on the way home, you don’t know where it is. It’s very probable that this problem has happened to you on some occasion, and also that it may happen to you again in the future, that is why we want to talk to you about viral trick that will help you find your car in large parking lots.

Specifically, this trick is used to open the car from a further distance than normal and the most curious thing is the element it needs to put into practice: your head. But what exactly does this technique consist of? What is the scientific reason that explains why your head can help you open the car from afar? Let’s see it below.

Why your head can help you open the car from afar

If you leave your car in a large parking lot and then you don’t know where exactly it is, you can use the old trick of opening it with the key wirelessly to locate it more quickly, taking advantage of the sound and lights that the car emits upon unlocking.

However, it must be taken into account that the key only works when within range Of the signal. Therefore, if you are too far from the carthe key it won’t be useful and the car will not open no matter how much you press the corresponding buttons. Fortunately there is a trick that allows you amplify key signal using something very curious as an antenna, your own head.

This is how Museum of Science explains it from its X account – former Twitter -, which recommends use your head as an antenna when we want to find our car in a busy parking lot. As the protagonist of the video explains, car keys work by sending short-range radio signals, from 5 to 20 meters at most.

If you want to amplify the range of the key signal, you just have to place the key next to your head. The scientific reason is that, like the rest of the body, the head contains a large amount of water. If we stick the key to our head, its electromagnetic waves interact with the water molecules, creating a new wave which is added to the remote waves that already existed and amplifying your range.

In short, it is the water molecules that interact with the electromagnetic waves of the faucet and manage to increase their range. This is why the viral trick not only works with the head, also works with a bottle of wateras we can see in the Museum of Science’s own video.

This is just one of the tricks and curiosities that you can learn about if you visit the Science section of Andro4all. Without a doubt, it is a very simple trick that can be very useful on a daily basis, since you won’t waste so much time looking for your car in a busy parking lot.

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