Xiaomi updates the HyperOS Launcher with performance improvements and bug fixes: you can now download it – Xiaomi News

Xiaomi updates the HyperOS Launcher with performance improvements and bug fixes: you can now download it – Xiaomi News
Xiaomi updates the HyperOS Launcher with performance improvements and bug fixes: you can now download it – Xiaomi News

Xiaomi is back with new updates for HyperOS. After improving the Gallery application, the company has updated the HyperOS Launcher with improvements in its performance and fluidity, as well as bug fixes.

The Launcher has been the person in charge of managing the desktop of our Xiaomi. That is, it is responsible for showing us the applications and running them, organizing the desktop with its wallpaper and its different settings. In itself it turns out one of the most important applications on our smartphone and practically the rest of the applications depend on it.

Xiaomi updates the HyperOS Launcher with great improvements in its performance

As we told you, Xiaomi has updated the HyperOS Launcher to the version RELEASE- Among other improvements, This includes the correction of errors, in turn improving its fluencyreducing application launch time.

Now the desktop of our Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO becomes more fluid. I can say that I have been testing this update for a few hours and Moving between desktops is fasteras well as the execution of applications.

The best of all is that You can now download this new version of the HyperOS Launcher on your Xiaomi. To do this you can do it from this link and install it as if it were any other application. Likewise, if you prefer, you can wait for the update to be automatically available in Settings > System App Updater.

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