The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get

Starting a new video game always involves a challenge. Not only for completing it or getting the best scores, but also for the fact that get all the trophies or achievements of said title. Since the days of PS3 and Xbox 360, it has become commonplace.

In some cases it is very simple, and just complete the story, or perform some secondary tasks to unlock all the trophies/achievements, and thus achieve platinum (PlayStation) or the highest score (Xbox). It is something that can also happen in the most challenging games, although there are also games that pose the achievements and trophies that are most difficult to achieve.

For example, if you have a PS5, we encourage you to get these 10 difficult trophies, which are only available to the most skilled players.

Some trophies/achievements even have the label of ”almost impossible”, since they are major obstacles when it comes to getting 100% in a specific game. Others, however, are extremely easy and it would be a shame if you didn’t have them.

Today we will talk about the most complicated trophies/achievements of all time, spanning from the times of PS3/Xbox 360 to current generations.

These are The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to getwhich will become the greatest challenges if you want to complete these titles 100%.

Most difficult video game trophies and achievements in history:

On the edge of the impossible / Sometimes I don’t see dead people

  • Game: Resident Evil HD Remaster.
  • Category/Score: Silver / 30 GamerPoints.

The Resident Evil Remake remaster has two trophies/achievements that are hell. We start with ”Sometimes I don’t see dead people”, a variant that is unlocked by finishing the game on Normal, Hard or Survival. You will have to complete the game in this mode, which turns enemies invisible (although its location is always the same).

If you want an even greater challenge, you can try the ”On the Edge of the Impossible” trophy, which you will unlock by complete the adventure (either with Jill or Chris) using only the knife. You will not be able to use aid objects nor the lighter.

Analysis of Resident Evil HD Remaster


The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: GTA Online.
  • Category/Score: Silver / 60 GamerPoints.

If you claim to be the best player in GTA Online, the multiplayer variant of GTA V, challenge yourself with the ”Brains” trophy/achievement. To achieve this, you will have to Complete all of the Doomsday Heist challengesa free mission released in 2017.

In Doomsday Heist, players will have to save San Andreas using their privileged minds. You will only unlock this trophy if you complete the three challenges ”Mastermind” of this coup in GTA Online.

Analysis of GTA Online: The Contract

Echoes of the battlefield

The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots.
  • Category/Score: Gold.

It’s still exclusive to PlayStation 3, and has one of the most challenging platinum trophies of all time. If we review, the ”Echoes of the Battlefield” trophy is possibly the hardest to unlock, since it requires a maddening challenge in a game of these characteristics.

Basically, you will have to Unlock all themes for the iPod, except those obtained by password. The problem is that some themes require you to complete almost suicidal objectives, including completing the adventure several times on high difficulties.

Metal Gear Solid 4 turns 15 years old

Seriously 5.0. chapters 1 and 2

The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: Gears 5.
  • Category/Score: 100 GamerPoints and 150 GamerPoints.

Only the most skilled players will be able to unlock 100% achievements in Gears 5, because to do so you will have to Get the achievements ”Seriously Chapter 1” and ”Seriously Chapter 2”. They are major challenges that will demand the best of you in campaign, horde and multiplayer mode.

To get the first achievement, you will have to complete the campaign on Madness difficulty, upgrade three characters to level 15 and complete four maps in Master (in Escape mode), complete the Horde mode maps up to round 50 (in one go), get realistic 20 times and reach the rank of General.

But you will still have the second achievement, even more complicatedwhich requires you to complete the campaign on Inconceivable difficulty, upgrade characters to level 20, realistically 50 times, and complete all hives and maps in Horde mode on maximum difficulty.

Gears 5 analysis

The shadows rushed at me

The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: Max Payne 3.
  • Category/Score: Silver / 10 GamerPoints.

The latest adventure in the Max Payne saga has a trophy/achievement that will drive you crazy, and that you obviously need to obtain to get platinum (or 100%). To do this, the first thing you must do is Skip the story and unlock New York Minute mode.

This is a time trial challenge game mode. If you pass it, you will unlock a variant on Extreme difficulty, and you can already imagine where the shots are going. The Shadows Fell At Me trophy requires you to complete New York Minute in Extrema. And no, it is not easy at all.

Max Payne 3 Analysis

LTC Master

Halo The Master Chief Collection
  • Game: Halo The Master Chief Collection.
  • Category/Score: 50 GamerPoints.

The definitive Halo compilation is available on Xbox and PC, with tons of achievements that invite you to show your love for the Master Chief and his adventures. It will be very complicated for you get 100% of all their games, as it has some really difficult achievements.

But there is one that is almost impossible to get directly. Only 0.4% of its players on Steam have unlocked it, and it is ”Master of the LTC”. To achieve this, you will have to Complete all Halo Saga campaigns on Legendary difficulty.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Review


The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: Outlast II.
  • Category/Score: Gold / 125 GamerPoints.

We have little doubt that Outlast 2 is one of the scariest games ever. Lucky we can use the camera to have some light in its dark levels. But what would happen if we didn’t have a camera or it was permanently disabled?

This is what he proposes to us one of the hardest trophies/achievements in the game. To get ”Messiah”, you will need to complete the adventure on Insane difficulty, but with one twist: you will not be able to change the camera battery. In other words, No camera.

Outlast II Analysis

Steel Bladder Award

Rock Band 2
  • Game: Rock Band 2.
  • Category/Score: Gold / 25 GamerPoints.

No one would think that a music simulator is one of the most difficult games in history… because of a very peculiar trophy/achievement. In Rock Band 2, a direct competitor to Guitar Hero, there is a mode called ”Infinite Song List 2”which invites us to play almost all the songs in the game.

The problem is that, to get the ”Iron Bladder Award” trophy/achievement, you will have to beat this song list without missing a single note. It is also not allowed to pause the game, which implies between 6 and 7 hours of continuous play. The only consolation is that it can be completed on Medium difficulty.

Rock Band 4 analysis

you have wanted it

The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: The Evil Within.
  • Category/Score: Gold / 60 GamerPoints.

Any horror game expert will tell you that The Evil Within is the most similar experience to the first Resident Evil. Not for nothing is it the work of Shinji Mikami and the now closed Tango Gameworks studio. If we talk about the original game, it has a complicated achievement/trophy like few others.

To unlock the ”You Wanted It” achievement/trophy, you will have to beat the game on the highest difficulty mode (Akumu). There are checkpoints, but you will not be able to receive any damage, because the character will die. And this is practically impossible in certain sections of the adventure.

Analysis of The Evil Within

Go step on the grass

The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe.
  • Category/Score: Gold / 100 GamerPoints.

Actually, This trophy/achievement can be obtained very easily if we cheat. But we know that many of you are lovers of challenges, so ”Go hit the grass” is the ideal trophy/achievement for gamers who think that age is just a number.

If you want to get 100% of the Ultra Deluxe edition of The Stanley Parable, you will have to start the game in 10 years. As you hear it. As soon as you do it, you will get this timeless trophy. The cheat option is change the date and time of the console (or PC), moving it forward within a decade.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe includes an achievement that will take you 10 years to achieve


The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • Category/Score: Gold / 100 GamerPoints.

Getting 100% trophies/achievements from an MMO is really difficult. But The Elder Scrolls Online, which is still receiving updates and expansions, takes the prize for the greatest difficulty thanks to a specific trophy. It’s about Emperor!, and you can imagine why.

To get this trophy, you must turn your character into the Emperor of Tamriel. For this, it will be necessary that Defeat all your opponents in the Alliance War battlefieldthus proving your worth.

Analysis of The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle

Mein Leben!

The 12 hardest video game achievements and trophies to get
  • Game: Wolfenstein II The New Colossus.
  • Category/Score: Bronze / 30 GamerPoints.

It is one of the usual trophies/achievements in this type of rankings, but it doesn’t hurt to remember it. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, one of the best shooters of recent years, can boast of being the most difficult of those we have seen, because of the trophy/achievement Mein Leben!

To get this trophy, you will have to complete the game on this hellish difficulty mode. Your character only has one life, and you will have to start the adventure from scratch (without saves) if you die. To make matters worse, the enemies are just as tough as in I Am Death Incarnate!

Analysis of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

When we talk about difficulty, there are games that become little hells because of some levels, phases or sections. In fact, here we highlight the 15 most complicated video game levels of all time.

There are also some titles that no one has ever completed 100%, either due to their extreme difficulty or due to some error/bug that has not been resolved yet.

Have you gotten any of these video game achievements and trophies? If so, we give you our most sincere congratulations, because very few players have obtained these awards, which certify your great skill at the controls.

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