This free application tells you what fast charging your mobile battery supports

This free application tells you what fast charging your mobile battery supports
This free application tells you what fast charging your mobile battery supports

Check the charging power of your mobile phone with this useful app that also offers you other interesting information about the battery

The higher the fast charging supported by the battery, the less time you will need to charge it to 100%

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The fast battery charging It is one of the elements of mobile phones that has evolved the most in recent years. This is key in the daily use of the smartphone, as it allows reduce waiting time when charging the battery. The greater the fast charging that the terminal supports, the less time it will take with the charger to reach 100%. But Do you know what fast charging your mobile supports?? Are you making the most of it?

If you do not know what power your smartphone battery supports when charging, you can use the help of a free app that tells you in a matter of seconds. It is an app that can help you get more out of fast charging and batteryas it also offers you data such as the status of the charger you are using and the health level of the battery.

How to know what fast charging your mobile supports

Electron is the name of the free app which you should download if you want to know what fast charging your mobile supports, as well as other information of interest related to the battery. It is an available application for Android devices which you can download comfortably from the following link to the Play Store.

Google Play Store | Electron

Once downloaded and installed, it is time to open it for the first time. After a few seconds of waiting, one of the key procedures in its use arrives, battery calibration. It is done automatically and it only takes a few seconds, you won’t have to wait long. And that’s it, once the calibration is done, Electron will have the most important data about the device’s battery.

On the main page, under a section called “General”, you will find out what the current battery levelyour state of health, your capacity in milliamps, Their temperature and the type of battery it is. If it is charging, you will also be able to see what type of charge it is using. To change sections you just have to use the tab menu located at the bottom.

We recommend you use the latter to access the “Loading” section to view the amperage, average amperage, loading speedthe current state of charge, the power source and If the charger you are using is defective or not. This menu is essential, as it tells you what is the maximum fast charge that the terminal supports. As you will see in our screenshot, charging is not being done at the maximum possible speed due to the defective state of the adapter.

Electron has other interesting tools that you can use for free, such as full battery alarm and the low battery alarm. In addition, it has a specific section that gives you some tips to take care of your smartphone’s battery. Finally, if you tap on the gear icon, you will be able to change the languagethe item and the temperature unit, as well as redo the calibration.

It is worth mentioning that Electron is an ad-supported application, ads appear while we use its tools. If you want to do without them, you have the option of subscribe to a plan without ads for 2.79 euros. In case you discover that your mobile supports a very high fast charge and you do not want to use it, you can learn to reduce the fast charge to take care of the terminal’s battery.

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