Why is it recommended to turn off your cell phone once a week?

Why is it recommended to turn off your cell phone once a week?
Why is it recommended to turn off your cell phone once a week?

If we talk about the use of devices, by far, The cell phone surely takes the first place on the list. And this device is so present in our daily lives that it is strange not to have it within reach of our hands.

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In fact, it is used in such a way that most users rarely turn it off. A habit that without realizing it could expose them to cyber threatssuch as malware or spyware systems, which can be unintentionally installed when visiting or downloading apps of dubious origin.

In this context, the United States National Security Agency (NSA) recommends turning off the device at least once a week. This is to limit the risks of being a victim of hacking or having the user’s digital security compromised.

The NSA council makes part of the recommendations contained in its report of ‘Best Practices in Mobile Devices’.

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The report details how weekly shutdown could be useful to counteract the effects of ‘zero-day exploits’, a practice used by cybercriminals that consists of attacking vulnerabilities that have not been identified by the user or the product manufacturer.

The entity also points out in its research that threats to mobile devices are increasingly frequent and complex. In that sense, advanced smartphone functionality, while offering convenience, often sacrifices security.

Other recommendations provided by the entity include:

Turn on Bluetooth and/or GPS only when necessary.

Use complex passwords, set a very low screen lock time, and set up remote locking in case the device is new.

Keep your computer updated to the latest version of the operating system and also update applications.

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