Artificial intelligence expert delves into the new ChatGPT update

Artificial intelligence expert delves into the new ChatGPT update
Artificial intelligence expert delves into the new ChatGPT update
A few weeks ago, the company Open AI presented a new update to its popular Artificial Intelligence chat ChatGPT, which is seen as a true revolution in terms of the advancement of this matter in the field of content generative tools.

For the professor at the School of Computer Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Leslie Pérez, “the first thing that is interesting in the ChatGPT-4º version, which is the new update of the tool, is that it accepts combinations of different formats of entrance; You can enter text, video, audio and images. You can communicate with us in all these ways and you can receive instructions in different ways.”

Pérez, who also directs the PUCV’s Artificial Intelligence Diploma, added that “it is also a little faster than the previous version and its way of interacting, for us humans, seems somewhat more natural. It has a much lower response time, therefore, we do not have to wait as long for it to prepare a response and that allows us to have a more fluid interaction, since we can interrupt it, it can discern between several voices, listen actively and participate in conversations.”

For Professor Pérez, the evolution of ChatGPT will deepen the emergence of technology in our lives and in the way we communicate with it. “The demos we have seen of ChatGPT-4º show that there is a type of language that involves some sense of humor. This should not be surprising, since the models are trained to generate speech that has a certain type of personality, so it will not be strange that in the future we can tell our artificial intelligence what we want its personality to be; if we want it to be more serious in work circumstances or more relaxed in other types of occasions. The above does not mean that AI has a sense of humor, but it is understood that it can emulate someone with a sense of humor,” explained the director of the Diploma in Artificial Intelligence at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso.

Pérez added that “there are many things that are changing and they are changing very quickly in the field of Artificial Intelligence. In the future we will look back and see this moment as a springboard where change accelerated and in how we do things in the AI ​​industry.”


Applications are now open for a new version of the Diploma in Artificial Intelligence taught by the School of Computer Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and which is aimed at professionals who want to enhance their professional development by specializing in the use of AI as a tool to develop innovative technological solutions.

“The diploma course begins on August 4 and will last the entire semester until November 30. It is not difficult to approach technology and we invited people, even if they are not experts, to do so,” said Leslie Pérez, director of the AI ​​diploma course.

For more information about this course you can go to

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