Tired of Ubuntu? Try these 10 alternative Linux based on it

Kubuntu is one of the most well-known and used Ubuntu-based distros by users, especially by those who do not like GNOME. The main feature of this distro is that it comes by default with the KDE desktop, but it shares the same repositories and the same other features as Ubuntu. Just change the desktop, and the GNOME applications, for KDE’s own.

Can download Kubuntu from the following link.


Ubuntu and Kubuntu are very large distros designed for relatively modern computers. However, if we have an older computer and we want to be able to use a Linux of this style, then one of the best options we can find is Xubuntu.

This distro derived from Ubuntu changes the entire GNOME environment and all the tools for XFCE. This desk is much lighter and more efficient. In addition, it changes some of the heavier programs (like LibreOffice) for lighter ones (like AbiWord) without losing functionality.

Can download Xubuntu from the following link.


Following the line of light distros, Lubuntu is another of the best options that we can find if we are looking for a fast and efficient system. Also based on Ubuntu, this changes the entire GNOME desktop to LXQt (before 18.10 it used LXDE). This distro also changes many of the applications that Ubuntu installs by default for lighter ones in line with the target audience.

Can download Lubuntu from the following link.

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu Mate

The change to Unity, and later to GNOME 3, has not been liked by many older users. For this reason, part of the community separated from the main branch, giving rise to Ubuntu MATE. This distro is characterized by using the MATE desktop, a direct fork of GNOME 2 that remains faithful to what Canonical’s operating system was like before 2011.

Thanks to the use of MATE, the resources consumed by this distro are much smaller than those used by others, making it perfect for professional and amateur users.

Can download Ubuntu Mate from the following link.

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio

Who said Linux is not for professional multimedia editing? Ubuntu Studio is a distro aimed especially at professional multimedia editing of audio, video and graphics.

This distro uses the official Ubuntu repositories, and has an XFCE desktop. Its main feature is that it has a real-time kernel, which cancels all types of latencies, as well as an infinite number of 2D and 3D programs, audio and video editing, as well as other audio plugins.

Can download Ubuntu Studio from the following link.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia - Cinnamon

As time has gone by, users who had always been loyal to Ubuntu began to get tired. This is how Linux Mint was born, a distro based on Ubuntu that puts an end to all the Canonical decisions that users have not liked and achieves a very fast, stable and reliable system at all times.

This distro does a radical cleanup of Ubuntu, eliminating all the packages that Canonical installs and replacing them with Mint Apps, its own applications to manage downloads, updates, applications and much more.

Linux Mint can be found with several desktops: Cinnamon (the default desktop), Mate and Xfce. Thus, each user can choose the one that best suits their needs and the one they like the most. If we want to try it, we can download Linux Mint from here.

Elementary OS

Elementary OS - browser

Many users say that Linux is ugly, and that Windows and macOS take much more care of the details. Very far from reality. Elementary OS is a distro also based on Ubuntu whose main feature is its design.

This distro seeks to bring Windows and Linux users an appearance very similar to that of macOS in many ways. To do this, it relies on a completely open system adapted as standard to imitate Apple’s operating system, with the top bar and the application launcher at the bottom. It also comes with a large number of applications installed by default so you can use it from the first moment. Through this link we can download Elementary OS.

Zorin OS

Zorin OS 15 Lite

Zorin OS is one of the most interesting distros that we can find today. Its developers have known how to carry out its development to gain the trust of Windows XP and Windows 7 users who are looking for a modern, secure, fast and easy-to-use system without having to make the jump to Windows 10.

Among its main features we find a wide variety of applications installed by default, in addition to coming with Wine installed and configured to be able to open the vast majority of applications and games.

Zorin OS is available in several editions (Core, Ultimate, Education and Lite), so each user can choose the one that best suits their needs. The distro is open source and free, although the Ultimate edition requires a donation to download it (and only includes pre-installed programs and games). From here we can download the latest version of Zoris OS.

KDE Neon

KDE NeonKDE Neon It is often confused with Kubuntu, but the truth is that they are two totally different distros. Although both are based on Ubuntu, this specific one offers us a version of Ubuntu LTS (extended support), on which it installs the latest version of the KDE desktop and applications.

Can download KDE Neon from the following link.


UbuntuDDE - Desktop 1

UbuntuDDE is a Linux distro, based on Ubuntu (as its name suggests) that comes standard with the DDE desktop (Deepin Desktop Environment). Thanks to this, we can enjoy one of the most popular and used distros in the world, along with one of the most pleasant and well-kept desktops on the entire network.

Of course, the main feature of this distro is that, instead of using GNOME as the default desktop, its developers have chosen to replace it with Deepin Desktop Environment, one of the most beautiful desktops on the entire network. In addition, it has a modified and optimized Kernel, as well as improvements in its graphics drivers to guarantee the best possible functioning of the system and its effects and animations.

This Linux distribution, of course, is completely free for all users. Anyone interested in it can download it from the Internet, free of charge, from this link. Once the ISO is downloaded, we will save it to a USB so we can install it wherever we want.

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