These are the applications that contain the dangerous virus that can empty your bank account – Enséñame de Ciencia

These are the applications that contain the dangerous virus that can empty your bank account – Enséñame de Ciencia
These are the applications that contain the dangerous virus that can empty your bank account – Enséñame de Ciencia
Image credits: Vlad Yushinov | Getty Images

The arrival of technology brought us an enormous amount of advantages, which both companies and users have been able to benefit from, but this not only applies to good things, but also cybercrime is the order of the day. Well, those who dedicate themselves to that are always updating themselves to find new and better ways to obtain personal data or other types of information.

Cyberattacks are a practice that is gaining more and more strength; in fact, Mexico ranks first in cyberattacks worldwide. This is quite alarming data, with social media and bank accounts being the ones that are most affected.

Regarding the latter, it is known that there are certain apps that are dedicated to stealing your banking information, which has a significant impact on our personal information. Therefore, we want to share with you which apps you should not install and that if you did, you should delete them immediately before they steal your bank details.

What are the apps that can steal your banking details?

The following list is according to a report from Zscalser, which is a leading cybersecurity company, those who work on it have identified a series of apps that are infected by the Anatsa banking Trojan, also called.

Anatsa banking malware is one of the most used to steal victims’ access credentials to banking services, that is, usernames and passwords that are managed by various applications, including banking ones, it has infected. more than 5.5 million Android smartphones. It is believed that more than 90 applications have been distributed in recent months from Google Play.

At the moment, these are the apps that have been identified:

PDF Reader & File Manager

An app that allows users to view files in PDF format and manage the files found in both the internal and external storage of your device. In addition, you can organize these files and annotate documents.

QR Reader & File Manager:

This app is designed so that users can quickly and easily scan QR codes with your device’s camera. Like the previous one, it offers the option to manage your files such as documents, photos, images and/or videos.

Image credits: Shutterstock

It is worth mentioning that these two applications were already recently removed from the app store, this occurred after the report about Teabot was received.

These applications are still active even though they have been removed from the Play Store, however, if you have them installed they will continue to work and so will the virus that they bring with them, so it is recommended that you delete them immediately.

What measures can you take so that your data is not stolen?

Trojans are characterized by attracting attention through a very attractive application or program and even at a good price (if it is paid) and many people fall for it. So it is recommended not to download applications of this type and that are not from their official site.

Another measure you can implement is not to resort to saving your passwords or users, even though it is a practical way to save movements and time.

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