How to install the iOS 18 beta on your iPhone

When Apple announces a new version of their operating systems, everyone wants to know what’s new first-hand. That’s what the trial versions. Before releasing the final version, Apple publishes a developer beta or beta for developers and a public beta either public beta. So if you want to try the new iOS features before anyone else, we suggest install iOS 18 on your iPhone.

Testing iOS 18 in its beta version has its advantages, but also its drawbacks. To start, you should make a backup your iPhone. With iCloud, you can do it in a matter of minutes. And, if possible, use an iPhone for testing that is not the one you use daily. For the rest, Apple makes it very easy for you to be a beta tester and try iOS 18 before that it is available to everyone.

Behind the iOS 18 announcement in it WWDC 2024Apple makes the developer beta. It usually comes out immediately after the news was announced that he will bring with him. That is, June 10. From there, if all goes well, one or two updates to that test version will be released. In July, you will be able to install the public beta or public beta of iOS 18. And by fall, Apple will make the final version of iOS 18.

Prerequisites to install iOS 18

There is several requirements to take into account to be able to install iOS 18 on your iPhone. The main thing, you must check that your iPhone model It is compatible with iOS 18. From there, update the applications you have installed, make a backup from your iPhone and try have free space.

You can make a backup through iCloud. Although there are those who recommend make a local copy, to prevent it from being overwritten, by connecting your iPhone to your Mac or PC. The local copy on Mac is done from Finder. And on Windows PC, from iTunes.

Sign up to try the Beta

To install a trial version of Apple software you must first registerTo install a trial version of Apple software you must first register

Another important requirement has to do with your apple account. In order to install the trial versions of iOS 18 you need to register in the Apple Developer Center o Apple Developer Center. Or so it was until now. It may be enough for you to register in the Apple Beta Software Program o Apple Trial Software Program. Try both options to install the developer version of iOS 18, which will be available in June, and/or to later install the public trial version, which will probably be released in July of this year.

This is how iOS 18 is installed on your iPhone

To install iOS 18 you must activate beta updatesTo install iOS 18 you must activate beta updates

Once registered in one of these two Apple programs, when it is available, you will see the trial version of iOS 18 to install in the form of an update. That is, you will have to open the Settings app from your iPhone, enter GeneralThen in Software update and finally enter Beta updates.

There you can choose between Public Beta I Developer Beta, depending on which version you want to try or which is available. Again in Software update, when it is available, you will see the update. Click on the corresponding button and the download and subsequent installation. When it finishes, your iPhone will restart and you will have iOS 18 at your disposal.

And, when the time comes to install iOS 18 in its final version, you will only have to go back there and check the option No within Beta updates. But that moment won’t come until fall of this year. During that time you will receive several updates as Apple corrects iOS 18 errors and activates the announced new features.

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