”Don’t trust AI”. After saving his father’s life thanks to ChatGPT, he recommends not following in his footsteps

”Don’t trust AI”. After saving his father’s life thanks to ChatGPT, he recommends not following in his footsteps
”Don’t trust AI”. After saving his father’s life thanks to ChatGPT, he recommends not following in his footsteps

A user claims that, although he was lucky, his story could have ended tragically

ChatGPT has not stopped starring in the news since it changed the technology scene completely at the end of 2022. Since then, the popular OpenAI assistant has become an option that they use daily millions of peoplewhich is why the company has managed close a multimillion-dollar deal with Apple for bring the benefits of your AI to iPhone. However, not everyone is so happy with ChatGPT’s performance and the position of personalities like Elon Musk It is a good example of this.

However, on this occasion the bot is not in the news because of any aspect related to its current events, but because of how useful it was in terms of save a person’s life. As reported by the German portal Mein-MMO in a recent publicationa Reddit user claimed that he managed to efficiently assist his father while he was suffering from a heart attack thanks to the help of artificial intelligence. The secret? Follow to the letter the advice she gave you.

Recommends not to use his method

After calling emergency services and requesting an ambulance, he used the chatbot to learn how to perform an emergency. heart massage. As he tells it, he would have chosen to do it abruptly and hastily, but ChatGPT told him that he should do it calmly and following a specific rhythm. Thanks to this, he had the opportunity to attend correctly to his father and, once the ambulance arrived, he was taken to a hospital and was able to recover favorably.

However, the most surprising thing about the story is that its protagonist himself recommends don’t use your method. In the same publication, he indicated that he does not recommend anyone “trust instructions generated by artificial intelligence if they have a problem as dangerous as I do.” According to him, resorting to this type of technology entails a major risk, since they can be victims of hallucinations of AI. Therefore, despite having saved his father, he recommends following the advice of options like ChatGPT with caution.

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Main image by Jair Lázaro (Unsplash)

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