The discovery of a historic whale at the bottom of the ocean that impressed the planet

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The discovery of a historic whale at the bottom of the ocean

For the aforementioned period, the discovery was published in the specialized journal Nature, where specialists clarified that they had located the so-called Perucetus colossus, or “whale colossal Peruvian.”

Specifically, the bones of this ancient whale They had already been discovered decades ago, but it was only in the middle of last year when the results became available.

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In total, it was obtained from the excavations in the ocean 13 vertebrae, four ribs and a hip bone, of which everyone was absolutely surprised due to its large size.

According to data reported by CNN, it is believed that this prehistoric animal It could have reached 20 meters in length in terms of size, and it could have lived exactly 66 million years ago.

On the other hand, the studies carried out at that time, although difficult due to the lack of body parts, showed that the weight of this whale It was between 85 and 430 tons.

The archaeologists were absolutely amazed at everything, since at that time one of the animals heaviest in history.

What is the largest whale in the world

Leaving aside this notable discoveryof which it is expected that there will be more advances soon, it must be said that in today’s world the whale largest in the world is the Antarctic blue whale.

According to Word Wild Life, this is not just the whale largest in the world, it is also considered the largest general animal on the planet: It can weigh up to 400,000 pounds (the equivalent of about 33 elephants) and measure about 29 meters long.

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