The important reason why you have to turn off your phone for 20 minutes a week

The important reason why you have to turn off your phone for 20 minutes a week
The important reason why you have to turn off your phone for 20 minutes a week

Written in PRESENT he 6/25/2024 · 11:30 a.m.

The advancement of technology has made it no longer so common to have to turn off the phones in different situations. However, there are specialists who recommend doing this activity at least once a week. Given this situation, what the benefits would be were revealed.

Although the progress in the operation of electronic devices is undeniable, they are not yet prepared to be working all day all the time. That is why specialists recommended that, at least once a week, to turn off.

It is quite common to have the phone on throughout the day and only on sporadic occasions do you tend to turn it off. However, specialists mentioned that this could bring some performance problems, so it should be to turn off at least 20 minutes every week.

The fact that it is always on can lead to much more harmful wear on the battery, which will cause it to have to be charged more times and for shorter durations. However, only turning it off once a week during the aforementioned time will extend the useful life.

Furthermore, the fact that the phone being in constant use will cause it to be much more prone to overheating, which also damages it. That is why giving it a weekly break of 20 or 30 minutes will ensure that it improves its performance, both in the speed with which it opens applications and in battery life.

In this way, with this technique, the phone They will also stop freezing your screen and the delay when launching an application will not be common. For this, it is important that the rest given is not a quick restart, but rather that it needs to spend 20 minutes without working in order to give it a break.

It is worth mentioning that it would not be positive to turn it on and off every day, since this could also damage the phone. Once a week is the right measure to prevent damage and extend the useful life of the phone.

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