The Importance of Privacy on Smart Devices

The Importance of Privacy on Smart Devices
The Importance of Privacy on Smart Devices

Amazon Alexa and Google Home are the apps that collect the most data, posing risks of data theft, security breaches, and unauthorized leaks of personal information to third parties.

Privacy has become a critical concern. It is crucial that consumers educate themselves and take steps to protect their personal information, and that companies develop transparent and up-to-date privacy policies.

According to a recent study by Surfshark, one in ten smart home apps uses the data they collect to track users.

This poses serious risks, including the possibility of data theft, security breaches, and unauthorized leaks of personal information to third parties.

More intrusive products

Among the most intrusive devices, the following stand out:

  • Amazon Alexa: This app collects 28 out of 32 possible data points, including precise location, contact information, and health-related data. The data collected is linked directly to individual profiles, which increases privacy risks.
  • Google Home: Although it collects less data than Alexa, Google Home still scores 22 out of a possible 32 points, including address, precise location, and audio and navigation data.

Other notable devices include outdoor security cameras, which collect on average 12 data points, 50% more than other smart home devices, with apps like Deep Sentinel and Lorex leading in data collection.

Key findings of the report

  1. Share of intrusive applications: One in ten smart home apps actively tracks users.
  2. Main data collectors: Amazon and Google, with their smart home apps, are the biggest data collectors.
  3. Privacy risks: The data collected may be used for targeted advertising, shared with third parties, and sold to data brokers, exposing users to increased security risks and loss of control over their personal information.
  4. Call to action: Consumers should be aware of the amount of personal information they give up and actively seek to adjust privacy settings and app permissions​​.

Read also: The number of smart homes in Latin America would increase by 14.1%.

The cost of the smart home

The expansion of smart home devices has brought significant benefits in terms of convenience and efficiency. However, it has also increased risks to users’ privacy.

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