Twitch makes the jump to 4K and announces its biggest redesign in years

The streaming giant Twitch has used the TwitchCon Europe to present several new features and one of the larger redesigns of your mobile appWe have come to Rotterdam to learn all the details and test these new features focused on improving viewing from smartphones.

And Twitch has focused on changing its application, because according to its data, the service, the 70% of new viewers discover the platform from a smartphoneThis is why it has integrated visualization improvements, has better adapted to the vertical format and has provided new options to improve the quality of live broadcasts.

Now, after several weeks of testing by the beta tester, Twitch has announced several of these new features and There are also some changes that the service will receive in the coming weeks. There is no specific date for the arrival of the following features, although they should not take too long to arrive.

Twitch debuts 4K resolution

We start with one of the features that are available from today, 4K resolution. Twitch has announced that all users can open the stream and set this quality as long as they use the latest version of OBS Studio. And yes, it has confirmed that this is an improvement that will be available to all users. streamersnot just for partners.

They have called this option ‘Enhanced Streaming’, which also includes new options for vertical and HEVC and AV1 codecs. This is great news, as viewers and streamers have been asking for years for an improvement in the quality of live broadcasts on Twitch.

New stories and clips

Twitch was one of the few that had not yet copied the Format stories. That we speak in the past tense is no coincidence, since the app has just released this ephemeral content that will allow you to follow the publications of your streamers favorites. The section will be in the upper right area of ​​the application and It copies the design that, for example, Instagram has.

In addition, it also integrates a new clip and live system with an interface similar to TikTok. From now on, in fact, the app will show streams recommended and can be navigated by swiping up to discover new creators and content. When you find one you like, you can press it to enter and enjoy the chat and all the windows.

Collaborations between streamers

The purple platform has been working on a new way for users to streamers collaborate in a simple way, and has achieved an interesting system of calls between followers and shared screens. Now, when a creator wants to make a co-stream With another, you can simply press the ‘call’ button to let Twitch know that you want to go live together.

Until now, these collaborations were normally done with Discord calls, but Twitch has wanted to have its own native system that will be available sooner rather than later for the streamers.

DJs now have a place on Twitch

Finally, one of the improvements of the platform has been the inclusion of the DJ programa kind of category in which it is allowed people to remix popular music without worrying about copyright. It will be available from August 8th and it will be necessary to subscribe to a specific program in order to have control over what is played live.

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