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How to delete empty rows or columns in Excel

Here we will show you the different methods that exist to delete empty rows and columns in Excel

If you are one of those who delete blank cells manually in Excel, then this will interest you, as we will teach you how to delete entire empty rows and columns

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Excel is one of the most important office tools that exist, since allows you to manage, edit and create spreadsheets with a lot of data. However, if you want to master this program, then you must know how to work and take advantage of rows and columns, which are one of the main features of this application.

This is why it becomes important to know how to swap rows and columns in Excel and even how to delete multiple rows at once. However, on this occasion, We will focus on explaining in detail all the ways that exist to delete columns and rows empty in this office program.

  • Steps to delete empty columns or rows in Excel
  • How to delete all empty cells in Excel

Steps to delete empty columns or rows in Excel

This is how easy it is to delete rows or columns that are empty in Excel

First of all, we will tell you how can you delete those empty rows and columns in Excel. This is important, because if you’re working with a spreadsheet that has these blank fields, it can be annoying to have to delete them one by one.

In this sense, The first method we will address is quite simplewell you just have to follow the steps that we will list below.

  • You must select the empty column or row that you want to delete.
  • Then, you must click on the tab Start and, among your options, you must position yourself in Cells.
  • Now, in this section of Cells you must click Eliminate.
  • The next thing you should do is choose between the options, either Delete sheet rows either Delete sheet columns.
  • Then, the column or row that you originally selected and that was empty will have been deleted.

This method makes deleting empty cells and rows in Excel even easier

But if you prefer an even simpler method than this, then you can choose to right-click on the letter or number icon corresponding to the row or column you want to delete. All of this content will automatically be selected and you need to make sure it is in the right place. You will notice that a context menu is displayed with various options, but the one that interests you is Eliminate. Click on it and that’s it.

How to delete all empty cells in Excel

If you are working with cells inside a box, then you can automatically select the empty ones and delete them

If you have created a box with bounded borders, then You should know that there is an alternative to the methods that we have mentioned before.. And, again, it is very simple to do if you follow these steps.

  • You must click on the tab Start and then you select Edition.
  • Then, you will have to find the option Search and select shown in this section.
  • A floating menu will be displayed and you must select where it says Go to Special.
  • In this new window, you must mark what you want to be selected in the spreadsheet.
  • What you have to do is select Blank cellswhich is one of the many options on the left.
  • Finally, you must select Accept.
  • After doing all of the above, all the blank cells that are in the boxes delimited by borders will be selected.
  • Finally, when you see these selected cells, you must choose the option Eliminate which lies in the section of Cells.
  • As you can see, deleting these blank cells is extremely simple, although it is necessary that you have delimited a box.

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