Bloomingdale fire displaces family | News, Sports, Jobs

Bloomingdale fire displaces family | News, Sports, Jobs
Bloomingdale fire displaces family | News, Sports, Jobs

Firefighters drew water from Summer Brook as they fought a house fire at 4 Union Lane Tuesday. (Enterprise photo — Sydney Emerson)

BLOOMINGDALE — The American Red Cross is providing emergency aid to three Bloomingdale residents after a house fire on Tuesday afternoon.

Flames emerged from the roof of a home at 4 Union Lane, along state Route 3, around 4:45 pm Tuesday. The Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department responded, with mutual aid from the Saranac Lake Volunteer Fire Department, Paul Smiths-Gabriels Volunteer Fire Department and Lake Placid Volunteer Fire Department.

The blaze took almost four hours to knock down. Firefighters drew water from Summer Brook, which runs through Bloomingdale, to douse the structure. State Route 3 was closed to traffic while firefighters worked, and police redirected traffic to Plattsburgh through Wilmington. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by Essex County fire investigators, and Bloomingdale chief Michael Woodruff was unable to speak to the extent of the damage to the home on Wednesday.

However, the damage is extensive enough that the residents of the home, two adults and a 13-year-old, are currently sheltered in a hotel and being provided food and clothing by the Red Cross. No injuries were reported. Friend of the family Melissa Hague is collecting clothing for the family as well as gift cards for meals and personal items. She said that anyone wishing to donate can contact her via Facebook.

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