How the strategic works for Vaca Muerta gas are coming

How the strategic works for Vaca Muerta gas are coming
How the strategic works for Vaca Muerta gas are coming

“There were problems with the import of essential supplies last year, both because of the restrictions that existed and because, since the war in Ukraine, demand for some elements linked to gas pipelines skyrocketed and they are not available. There were also some non-compliance in Salliqueló on the part of the contractor,” an official source highlighted to this medium, regarding the reason why the compressor plants were not inaugurated at the end of last year as planned.

This way, TheTrayen plant could only be operational between the end of June and the beginning of Julywhile that of Salliqueló would be ready between September and October. Each one will allow an extra injection of gas for about 5 million cubic meters per day which, as happened with the 11 MMm3/d of the first section of the GPNK, would be used to replace liquid fuels for electricity generation.

How the reversal of the Northern Gas Pipeline is progressing

On the side of the Northern Gas Pipeline, a work that was delayed mainly due to the change of Government, the need to re-tender some sections due to a lack of offers that conform to the specifications and the doubts of the Milei management in whether to continue it or not, The sources consulted anticipate that in August we could have news.

First welding North Gas Pipeline Reversal (3).jpeg

The reversal work of the Northern Gas Pipeline continues to advance with the welding of the new pipes.

“The work is going very well, especially the first 100 km of the new pipe that are already being welded. The Techint-Sacde section, being the one that started first, is more advanced. Posse, the Chief of Staff, said that this part would be ready on August 31 in his report to the Senate and that the reversal of compressor plants in 2025. But first they can be operated manually, what takes more time is automation,” he indicated. another source aware of the work. “On our part, we have been working in a timely manner, even ahead of schedule,” a contractor commented to +e.

The total reversal would imply being able to transport about 19 MMm3/d in the south-north direction. However, TGN has been carrying out some works in recent years that already allow 10 MMm3/d to be transported in that direction and, if the La Carlota-Tío Pujio pipeline is completed in August as contemplated, an additional 5 MMm3/d could be transported. thanks to other works that the transport company is developing in two compressor plants.

“Today there is an increase of 10 MMm3/d, in August there would be an increase of 15 MMm3/d and in March 2025, when all the plants are ready, we will be able to increase the total 19 MMm3/d,” clarified a sector specialist.

Replace Bolivian gas

In this case, the total capacity would be used to replace the import of Bolivian gas, which today averages 5 MMm3/d, leaving a minimum surplus. “In the north, the winter demand is 22 MMm3/d, which you cover with these 19 MMm3/d plus 3 MMm3/d produced by the Salta basins. On the other hand, summer demand ranges from 13 to 16 MMm3/d, you can stay there a remainder to export to Chile“, they emphasize from a company with extensive experience in the gas market of this region.

Towards a somewhat more distant future, There is still the definition for the second section of the GPNK to San Jerónimo and a second stage of the Reversion of the Northern Gasduct dedicated 100% to the export market.

TGS gas conditioning plant in Otrayén.jpg

“There is a tender for the GPNK that was postponed and the last postponement was left without a defined date. Massa had already stated that it had to be built with private financing and this Government thinks the same. At the moment, the engineering has been done and also the tender for the pipes. We would have to see what happens with the projects towards Brazil,” highlighted another source.

In short, as these works are mainly destined for export to the neighboring country, their fate will be determined by the agreement made with the Brazilian authorities. The second section of the GPNK, with its almost 20 additional MMm3/d, would logically continue with a new pipe to Porto Alegre.

Meanwhile, the second stage of the Reversion of the Northern Gasduct, with another 10 MMm3/d new, could only be undertaken if a successful negotiation is achieved with Bolivia to use the gas pipeline that connects this country with the city of San Pablo.

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