What is celebrated on Memorial Day

What is celebrated on Memorial Day
What is celebrated on Memorial Day


Memorial Day or Memorial Day was established in the USA with the purpose of honor those who lost their lives while serving in the Armed Forces. Since its inception in 1868, and for more than a century, it was celebrated every May 30. However, since 1971 it has been established that the commemoration takes place on the last Monday in May.

In this opportunity, Memorial Day 2024 will be celebrated on Monday, May 27. This event It’s a federal holiday throughout that country. The celebrations revolve around patriotic gestures, for example, placing the national flag on the doors of houses and visiting cemeteries.

The place Twinklwhich provides teaching materials for teachers, points out that the May 30, 1868 was the first time this event was celebrated. “Commander in Chief, John A. Logan, of the Grand Army of the Republic, proclaimed the day to pay tribute to the Union soldiers who fell during the Civil War”, he indicates. Initially, he was called Decoration Day.

On Memorial Day, thousands of people visit Arlington Military Cemetery in VirginiaUnsplash

“Over the years, many cities, towns and individuals have claimed to be the first to create Memorial Day,” the portal notes. The National Cemetery Association, which is a division of the Department of Veterans Affairs, credits a woman named Mary Ann Williams. In that sense, Twinkl He says that it was her who was came up with the idea of placing flowers on the graves of Civil War soldiers, regardless of which side they belonged to.

The first state to officially commemorate Memorial Day was New York in 1873.. “Only 17 years later, every state in the Union had adopted the day,” they stressed. Finally, the US Congress standardized the holiday in 1971, changing the date to the last Monday in May and setting the official name as Memorial Day.

Those who reside in Washington DC can attend the Memorial Day parade. The event will take place on Constitution Avenue and will take place on May 27 at 2 p.m. In addition, it will be broadcast on television throughout that country through ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and CW. “We commemorate the shared values ​​of service and sacrifice that have united us throughout our history,” they say on the American Veterans Center website.

Before the event begins, the opening ceremony will take place at 1:00 p.m., which will include musical performances. This year’s parade will be led by surviving heroes of the Second World War. The reason is to honor that next June 6th will be fulfilled 80 years since D-Daywhich refers to the Normandy landings in 1944.

File.- President Joe Biden listens to the national anthem at the National Cemetery Amphitheater in Arlington, Virginia, for Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023 (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Veterans Center President Tim Holbert https://twitter.com/AVCupdate/status/1787538787423199588 that veterans of World War II, the Vietnam and Korean wars, and contemporary conflicts “They are individuals who embody the enduring American spirit of service and sacrifice.and everyone unites in recognition of their fallen brothers and sisters in arms, at the most important moment in the army.”


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