Councilors accompanied the Governor in the signing of the Collective Amparo for the gas increase

Councilors accompanied the Governor in the signing of the Collective Amparo for the gas increase
Councilors accompanied the Governor in the signing of the Collective Amparo for the gas increase

The president of the Deliberative Council, Guadalupe Zamora, together with the councilors Lucía Rossi, Maximiliano Ybars, Federico Runin, Florencia Vargas, Alejandra Arce, Jonatan Bogado and Walter Abregú, participated in the signing of the Collective Amparo that seeks to stop the high gas rate that was promoted by Governor Gustavo Melella and that in the city of Río Grande was carried out through Zoom in the IPRA room. .
The Mayors of the three cities of the province participated in the meeting, as well as legislators, provincial and municipal authorities, Chambers, and representatives of different unions.
It should be noted that the Collective Amparo will be presented before the Federal Justice, in order to stop the excessive increases in gas rates that negatively impact Fuegian SMEs and families throughout the province.
After the meeting, the president of the Deliberative Council, Guadalupe Zamora, described the act led by Governor Gustavo Melella as “historic” because “the entire political and social arc of the province is united in this decision of the provincial government to be able to claim against the Government national and Camuzzi regarding the brutal increase in rates.”
He pointed out that this is a strong adjustment “in the rate of a service that is essential for the people of Fuegian, not only because we are gas producers, but also because at this time of year the impact is greater.”
In addition, he recalled that there are “many job losses,” even “today we were listening to merchants about how the situation is impacting sales or consumption, which is something that we have been pointing out with the measures that the national government is taking.” .
Zamora recalled that President Milei’s management “is not providing tools for the development and growth of the country and in return it brings a fierce adjustment against all social sectors.”
Likewise, the councilor celebrated the “participation of various political, social and institutional sectors that rallied behind the claim, understanding that it is necessary to put pettiness and political issues aside, rise above them and accompany these issues carried out by a government that has been attacked like the province by the adjustment, 19640, the Bases Law, or the DNU.”
Finally, Zamora stated that “we are going to accompany all the measures that help the workers of the province and all the families who are going through critical moments.”

Rossi stressed the “importance of being able to make this claim collectively”

“As Governor Melella expressed it, it is a time to stay united, to defend provincial sovereignty, to understand and make it understand, above all to the National Government, that gas in this area is not a privilege, but a necessity and “This directly affects each of the Fuegian families,” said Councilor Lucía Rossi.
For this reason, he pointed out that “it is a moment of extreme concern and also celebrate the union of each of the municipalities to be able to accompany this decision of the provincial government to make this presentation of the protection to be able to stop this high rate.”
The councilor highlighted the “importance of being able to make this claim collectively and present ourselves before the Nation as a united side is more than important and is a message that should reach not only Justice, but also the political arch of the National Government.”

In this way, he stated that “among all of us we must continue working and defending Fuegian sovereignty, the resources of Fuegian families who are suffering from this huge tariff, knowing that at this moment it specifically reached commercial sectors, SMEs and others, but that the next step is of affectation to each of the homes and it is something that we cannot allow.”

“This imposition leaves all the production, employment and development of the province reeling”

In the same sense, Councilor Ybars understood that “from the first moment we believed that the interests of all Fuegian people were being attacked, we had to support this collective claim led by the governor of the province, which makes me very happy because As the Governor stated, today the vast majority of Fuegian society was represented.”
Therefore, happy that “we Fuegians can unite all our efforts to carry out this genuine claim and be able to stop this imposition, which the truth leaves the entire production, employment, and development of our province reeling.”

“I am proud that the entire Fuegian people are united in this claim for the excessive gas increases”

For her part, Councilor Arce expressed her “pride that the entire Fuegian people are united in this claim for the excessive gas increases, and as the Governor of the province said, being a province that produces gas and that gives it to them “To the entire country, we Fuegians need special treatment for the area where we live.”
Likewise, he indicated that “seeing the merchants together, all concerned about the situation and the increases that are being experienced, makes me proud because it means that we are all united in the face of this claim that we are making to the national government.”
The councilor also highlighted the importance of “moving this judicial procedure quickly and having a favorable response because gas for the people of Fuegian, for the people of Rio Grande do Sul, is an essential service.”
Finally, he explained that “today the different sectors of Fuegian society were seen united in pursuit of the Fuegian people and this is the path we have to take, that is, unity and in defense of our Fuegian people.”

“This claim made jointly makes this request take on much more strength”

Meanwhile, Councilor Florencia Vargas pointed out that “it has been a very important day in which each of the representatives of the Fuegian people are here present and united so that this claim takes the strength it requires in the face of a violation of a right that is “It is fundamental for the people of Fuegian, as is being able to have heating and gas service.”
In this sense, he maintained that “we must take into account the importance that our province has by being directly producers of this service that then reaches different parts of the country.”
Vargas noted that “as Governor Melella mentioned, the cities and provinces of Patagonia require much more of this essential service, so I consider it really important that all representatives are united in the face of this claim, since these claims are made in a manner jointly make this request take on much more strength.”

“Today we are united in the face of this collective demand to stop this high price increase in gas”

Finally, Councilor Abregú expressed his “happiness for the entire presence not only of the political arc, but of the entire commercial sector, we are all having a bad time and I congratulate the Governor who took charge of this matter and today we are united in the face of this collective claim to stop this price increase in gas.”
The councilor also highlighted the work that the representatives have been doing at the national level, pointing out that “they are up to the task to be able to stop this and precisely with this protection of being able to bring a little peace of mind to the neighbors who are really having a very hard time.” bad, I hope that this union can move forward, continue strengthening us and precisely defend our Earth from

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