NASA discovers planet that could host human life | Mexico News | News from Mexico

NASA discovers planet that could host human life | Mexico News | News from Mexico
NASA discovers planet that could host human life | Mexico News | News from Mexico

The Impartial / The curious / Planet

A second Earth? Learn more about Gliese 12 b, the newly discovered exoplanet that could have conditions for human life

NASA’s TESS mission reveals a fascinating new chapter in the history of space exploration (Unsplash)

By Javier Neri

May 23, 2024

NASA scientists have found a new planet that could be similar to Earth and potentially be habitable for human beings. This exoplanetcalled Gliese 12 bis located one distance of 40 light years of our planet.

Located in the Libra constellationGliese 12 b is a little smaller than Earth and have one estimated surface temperature of 107 degrees Fahrenheit, although this is without considering the possible existence of an atmosphere. It is located within what is known as the “habitable zone”the region around a star where conditions might be suitable for the existence of liquid water on the surface of a planet.

Could it really be habitable?

Astronomers are eager to further study this promising exoplanet and determine whether it has an Earth-like atmosphere, which could be crucial to maintaining a suitable temperature for water on its surface, an essential component for life such as we know. Additionally, Gliese 12 b has been identified as a target of interest for future exploration missions, including a possible visit by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

The discovery of Gliese 12 b was made thanks to TESS satellite (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) from NASA, which uses the transit method to detect exoplanets. This method consists of observing the decrease in the brightness of a star when a planet passes in front of it. Through this process, scientists can infer the presence and characteristics of planets orbiting the star.

Comparison to other planets and potential challenges

Gliese 12 b has been compared to Venus, although it receives slightly less energy from its star. Unlike Venus, which experiences extremely high temperatures due to its dense atmosphere and the greenhouse effect, Gliese 12 b could be in an intermediate position between Venus and Earth in terms of temperature and possibility of habitability. However, it is still unknown whether its atmosphere would be able to protect it from the harmful effects of its star, a red dwarf that could produce potentially damaging solar flares.

This discovery is an exciting step in the search for other potentially habitable worlds beyond our solar system. Additionally, it highlights the importance of continuing to explore the universe and expanding our knowledge about the different types of planets that could exist in the cosmos.

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