The challenge behind ‘Who Killed Him?’, Paco Stanley’s series, and portraying a crime that moved Mexico

Come with all your theories because the Paco Stanley series it’s here. And although what we will see is fiction inspired by reality, we cannot stop thinking about the challenge of bringing this controversial case to the screen. So we talked to the cast of Who killed him? about this and more.

First of all, in this note We tell you everything you need to know about the series.

What is the Paco Stanley series about?

Who killed him? It consists of six episodes, each told from the perspective of a character, to try to shed light on the murder of Paco Stanley, which was controversial in Mexico and remained unsolved.

The series was written by Rodrigo Ruiz Patterson (Bad Men) and Alexandro Aldrete (The House of Flowers). In addition, it was directed by a bioseries expert: Humberto Hinojosa Ozcariz (Luis Miguel, The Series), and produced by Pablo Cruz from The Studio and Pablo Garcia Tigre Pictures’ Gatterer.

The challenges of being inspired by real events and people

At all times, the series has been in charge of saying that what we will see in it has andFictional elements inspired by real events and characters. For this reason, the famous Charco de las Ranas has another name and the famous “Gallinazo” by Mario Bezares is now called “Pericazo”.

But although the last names of the characters are almost not mentioned, we all know who they are referring to and the challenge of playing someone famous is there.

Luis Gerardo Mendez mentioned in interview with Animal MX that even though there is a lot of information about the characters (his is a version of Mario Bezares), the real challenge was accessing the private part.

“What was this character’s life like with his wife (played by Zuria Vega), connecting with that level of pain, with that level of desperation,” he comments.

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And, from his perspective, “what happens to this character is ShakespeareanWell, they kill his best friend who is like his partner and also his father. And then next comes this whole media circus around him, so building that was complicated”.

Roberto Duarte (Paco), Luis Gerardo Méndez (Mario) and Diego Boneta (Jorge). Photo: Prime Video

However, in the end he managed to empathize with his character, who was one of the main suspects in the death of Paco Stanley.

The actor remembers that when they filmed the murder scene, on the second day he entered his trailer and while he was taking off his character’s clothes, “I had a half-hour crying fit where I was on the floor without understanding what was happening to me and I think Which was exactly that, right? Empathize with other people’s pain”.

Between prosthetics and time travel

Part of the cast of the Paco Stanley series had to go through a physical transformation to play their characters. Perhaps the most notable is Diego Boneta, who gives life to a version of Jorge Gil.

And the character has an introverted energy and the actor had to modify his body and even his voice.

“I think the most fun thing was disappearing”Diego Boneta confesses to Animal MX talking about his transformation.

He still had to work a lot on the psychological level of the character, “understanding what trauma, PTSD (or post-traumatic stress disorder) is after experiencing an event like that”. And Jorge was in the truck that was shot and in which Paco Stanley was murdered.

“I think that when you prepare a lot for a role, in terms of research, in terms of character development…I at least arrive with a lot of freedom to be able to play on the set and to be able to trust my colleagues, our director and “That was what I enjoyed the most,” adds the actor.

And no, contrary to what many people may think, the Cha! (member of Fobia) hardly used prosthetics for his version of Benito Castro in Who killed him?. “They just removed my beard and I looked the same,” he tells Animal MX between laughs.

Of course, he shares that he had the opportunity to go to Paco Stanley’s program on two occasions and that he also got to know Benito. “So it’s interesting because suddenly (the set) It was like a time machine, a capsule where you return“, account.

Roberto Duarte (Paco) and Cha (Benito). Photo: Prime Video

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Belinda She adds that this helped her a lot to put herself in Paola Durante’s shoes, because in addition to the prosthetics “everything was like literally going back to that time, that moment… even the smell of the sets, everything was very special,” explains the singer, who is also .

For Cha it is interesting to relive those years and “see it now from another perspective.”

“This series is going to give a lot to talk about for all of us who experienced it, for all those who see it for the first time, for those who don’t even know what it is about… I think it is a very interesting document about what our country was socially, politically, culturally and in the media.”Cha explains.

A different look at the women of that time

in the series Who killed him? We will have episodes focused on two women who were involved in the case: Brenda Bezares (Zuria Vega) and Paola Durante (Belinda).

Zuria Vega highlights the responsibility of interpreting a real person and even more so if they are still alive (as is the case of Brenda). “There is a part of respect and absolute responsibility as well,” she mentions.

And although she decided to interpret it without any type of judgment or generating empathy, she confesses that something curious happened to her when she saw this character under the gaze of 2024.

Something very strong happened to me on the set of seeing what was allowed on open television, particularly towards women: how sexualized, how vulnerable. There was one thing that gave me chills, particularly when I was with the character of Roberto (who plays Paco) and Diego (playing Jorge),” Zuria Vega explains to Animal MX.

“And it has to do with helplessness… I saw this when I was 10 years old in the kitchen of my house. When was this normal?“, Add.

zuria vega who killed him paco stanley
Zuria Vega is Brenda in ‘Who killed him?’. Photo: Prime Video

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For all those people far from Paco Stanley’s programs, the host had dancers with whom he and Mario “joked” by making comments about their bodies or “flirting” with them.

One of those dancers was Paola Durante and Belinda account to Animal MX that in her case it was very easy to empathize with Paola “because he is 100% a victim of the circumstances that happen to him”.

“She was very young, vulnerable, she had not yet experienced situations that change your life, that can break you from one second to the next and you are as if hypnotized with what your dream is, what you want to do… you fight for it and you don’t know everything. what is happening around us,” explains the singer.

She comments that for her It was a shock to see everything that happened to Paola in real life and I consider that everything was very unfair.

As context: The real Paola was 24 years old when she joined Paco’s program and although she dreamed of having other roles in front of the camera, her life changed after being accused of the murder of Paco Stanley.

This accusation caused him to spend two years in prison, until he was able to prove his innocence and was free, but he stayed away from the cameras for 20 years.

belinda paola paco stanley series
Belinda is Paola in the Paco Stanley series. Photo: Prime Video

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The challenge of interpreting a legend in Who killed him?

Don’t think we forgot to mention the person who plays the famous Paco Stanley. Is about Robert Duartewho curiously started on television as a reporter to make his way towards his dream of being an actor.

And he took the issue of playing Paco very seriously, so much so that he even got scared at some point.

“I took the investigation to that point of knowing what lotion he used, I delved into the structure of his thought almost to the degree of mastery of their pathologies so that this would maintain gestural precision,” he tells Animal MX.

And he says that people have very well recorded all the driver’s gestures, so his performance could not feel like a mere imitation.

“Imitations remain on a surface that is not interesting. So yes I went to that depth so that the character lived and lived with the dimension of what Paco was, because he was a man…. it is a legend”.

The Serie Who killed him? premieres this May 24 with its first two episodes on Prime Video. The next two will be released on Friday the 31st and the last two on June 7th.

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