What is Memorial Day and why is it celebrated on the last Monday in May in the United States | MIX

What is Memorial Day and why is it celebrated on the last Monday in May in the United States | MIX
What is Memorial Day and why is it celebrated on the last Monday in May in the United States | MIX

Important dates in USA There are many, but without a doubt one that pays special tribute to the men and women who have fallen in the line of duty, there is only one, we are referring to the Memorial Day, which this 2024 falls, as is tradition, on the last Monday in May; that is, May 27. Due to the various activities carried out in honor of this day, which was declared a holiday, do you know exactly what it is and why it is commemorated in the fifth month of the year? In the following paragraphs, we will detail it for you.

It should be noted that taking advantage of this date of rest for workers and students, supermarket chains, wholesalers, retailers, establishments and stores do not miss the opportunity to offer offers and discounts in their different locations.

A man walks past headstones, with American national flags in front of them, in section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery ahead of Memorial Day weekend in Arlington, Virginia, on May 26, 2023 (Photo: Andrew Caballero -Reynolds / AFP)


Memorial Day or Memorial Day is an important commemorative date in the United States, as it remembers the men and women who served in the US Armed Forces and who did not hesitate to give their lives for their country. .

On this date, people go to the cemetery where the remains of these brave citizens rest and a flag is placed on each of their graves. On some occasions flowers and crowns are also placed; For this reason, initially, it was called Decoration Day or Decoration Day.

It is worth mentioning that originally, Memorial Day only honored those who died in the Civil War, but after World War I this changed.

Members of the Veterans Service Organization fire a 21-gun salute during the 156th Brooklyn Memorial Day Parade in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on May 29, 2023 (Photo: Yuki Iwamura/AFP)


To answer this question, we must go back to May 30, 1868, the date on which for the first time the sacrifice made by the soldiers of the Civil War was commemorated and recognized. On that occasion, the proclamation was made by General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of ex-sailors and ex-soldiers, PBS states.

During that first commemoration, James Garfield, former Union general and sitting congressman from Ohio, gave a speech at Arlington National Cemetery. After that, he proceeded to decorate the graves of more than 20,000 soldiers buried in the cemetery. As a result, cemeteries in several American cities began to pay tribute to these brave citizens.

It was not until 1873 that New York became the first state to designate this date as a holiday, then others followed. After the First World War, this commemoration went from honoring only those who fell in the Civil War to all those who died defending the North American country, becoming a national date.

In 1971, Congress declared the last Monday in May a federal holiday.

Members of the New York Police Department band march during the 156th Brooklyn Memorial Day Parade in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on May 29, 2023 (Photo: Yuki Iwamura/AFP)


Each year, Memorial Day is commemorated at Arlington National Cemetery, where a ceremony is held to place a small American flag on each grave.

For their part, the president or vice president places a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

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