The popular food that helps you lose weight and that NASA scientists recommend – Teach me about Science

The popular food that helps you lose weight and that NASA scientists recommend – Teach me about Science
The popular food that helps you lose weight and that NASA scientists recommend – Teach me about Science
Image credit: marilyna from Getty Images Pro.

Find out which is the superfood with multiple properties that NASA scientists approve.

Among all the food products that are widely consumed today, there are some that stand out for their exceptional nutritional value and the multiple beneficial properties that have been found in them, as well as those that, due to their preparation and processing, are very harmful to the body, especially if consumed in excess.

Regarding these, today in this article we will highlight a popular food that has basically EVERYTHING. This is distinguished by being an ancient food consumed in various populations for a long time and that was even considered a sacred food in ancient times, which is currently widely popular and has gained attention worldwide because it has an exceptional contribution nutritional, multiple beneficial properties for the body, it is widely resistant to various adverse conditions and even NASA has recognized it as a “superfood.”

In this regard, if you are interested in knowing what food we are talking about, we recommend that you continue reading, because below we will tell you all the details about it.

Image credit: Bigc Studio.
The popular food that helps lose weight and that NASA scientists consume

The superfood that stands out for having it ALL is quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), a grain native to the Andean region of South America whose cultivation dates back to 5000 BC. C. to 3000 BC. C, considered a sacred food for ancient cultures that was known as “mother grain”.

Regarding its nutritional value, one of the reasons why it is widely popular today, quinoa grains stand out for containing high amounts of protein and a unique composition of essential amino acids, as well as high values ​​of vitamins. and essential minerals. Plus, these are gluten-free, so they can fit into anyone’s nutritious diet.

Likewise, it has been discovered that these tiny grains contain various bioactive compounds that have beneficial effects on metabolic, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health, also finding that they have favorable hypoglycemic effects, which makes them not only a healthy food, but also potentially beneficial for the health.

All of this has not only led quinone to have global recognition as a superfood that, given its characteristics and ease of cultivation, is even believed to be able to combat famine, but also institutions such as the Food and Agricultural Organization of the The United Nations (FAO) has considered it on the list of healthy foods, and, as if this were not enough, NASA has highlighted it as a food with great nutritional value and as a possible great crop that can satisfy the needs of human beings on extended missions with great ease and versatility.

So, now you know, if you are looking to diversify your diet, quinoa may be an excellent option for you.

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