La Jornada – Movimiento Ciudadano hopes to “consolidate” in CDMX

La Jornada – Movimiento Ciudadano hopes to “consolidate” in CDMX
La Jornada – Movimiento Ciudadano hopes to “consolidate” in CDMX

Mexico City. Alejandro Piña Medina, coordinator of the Citizen Movement operational commission in CDMX (party leader in the city), indicated that the electoral process is taking place calmly and with a high citizen turnout.

He indicated that MC participates with 100 percent of candidates for the different positions of popular representation among these 16 mayors, 33 local deputies, 22 federal deputies plus all the councilors.

“We estimate that our project will be consolidated in this election in the City.”

In the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, as in the rest of the city, MC has meant that alternative “for people who are already tired of the old politics of the traditional parties, our movement has proven to be that option.”

He indicated that at MC, they celebrate that participation is high, “because they pay and the decision will be up to the citizens.”

The deterioration is in general in the city, the mayors have practically stopped being the first authority that responds to the daily needs of citizens, he added.

“Throughout the city we have problems with the water supply, with safety conditions, there are problems with the maintenance of all the urban infrastructure throughout the city, and that is why we have considered being an alternative to all of these options. “That they have already failed the City and they have not known how to resolve, nor have they had the solvency to govern adequately in their municipalities and resolve that people have services so that they can lead their daily lives in a peaceful manner.”

The clientelism and the carry-over have been overwhelmed by the two forces of the old politics “which have sophisticated these clientelistic practices and that has to end; “Programs and rights must be for all people and not just for a few, and much less must they be an option only for those who vote for them.”

From early on, the candidates running for mayor of the Citizen Movement in Mexico City went to their corresponding polling stations to vote and fulfill their civic commitment.

One of the first to do so was Rodrigo Cordera Thacker, who lives in Benito Juárez, who came accompanied by his partner in the Narvarte neighborhood.

Antonio Carbia, a candidate in Miguel Hidalgo, went accompanied by his family to the booth in the Jardín Uruguay, in Polanco.

Herman Domínguez, orange candidate in Cuauhtémoc, went to his polling station to exercise his citizen right.

In Milpa Alta, Magali Alvarado Álvarez voted, accompanied by her family, and called on neighbors to go out and vote in peace and tranquility.

Marina Martí Meza, flag bearer in Tlalpan, attended the historic event in the park of the Rinconada Coapa neighborhood.

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