Without red flags in Jalisco: PRI and PAN Jalisco leaders – El Occidental

Without red flags in Jalisco: PRI and PAN Jalisco leaders – El Occidental
Without red flags in Jalisco: PRI and PAN Jalisco leaders – El Occidental

Four hours before the start of election day, the presidents of the political parties in Jalisco PRI and PAN, Antonio Padilla and Juan Pablo Colli, respectively, agree that there is a large citizen participation without identifying red flags so far in some municipalities of the entity.

On the issue of security, the tricolor leader commented that everything has been flowing calmly; Regarding the installation of boxes, he commented that there have been delays in some and in others there are mishaps recorded and they are being installed gradually.

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For his part, the representative of the blue and white team mentioned that Jalisco continues to be an important example of democracy at the national level.

In relation to the incidents of installation of boxes, he commented that at 9:55 in the morning the installation progress was 56 percent.

Some delay factors in primary schools indicated that the Ministry of Education had not opened the doors, which delayed the installation of the polling stations by an hour and a half.

Both leaders of the political parties agree that the electoral process in the 125 municipalities was calm and with important citizen participation.

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