Former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales visits polling stations in Iztapalapa

Former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales visits polling stations in Iztapalapa
Former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales visits polling stations in Iztapalapa

The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, appeared in some polling stations of the Iztapalapa mayor’s office as an electoral observer (Special)

The former president of Bolivia, Evo Moralesarrived in Mexico to play a role in the observation of the electoral process that this is carried out Sunday June 2.

Morales, in his capacity as an observer, visited various polling stations in the Iztapalapa mayor’s officehighlighting the importance of this event for the democracy and regional integration.

From his social networks, Morales emphasized that his main priority is democracy, the integration of the Latin American and Caribbean region, and social justice.

“With a lot of democratic commitment, our Mexican sisters and brothers are going to cast their vote today,” said Morales, underlining the value of citizen participation in this electoral exercise.

They interview citizens who cast their right to vote. Credit: @evoespueblo

In response to questions about the political projects at stake during these elections, Morales highlighted the relevance of Latin American integration, especially after years of efforts towards the creation and consolidation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

This focus on regional unity reflects the long-term vision of Morales and other progressive leaders to strengthen ties between Latin American nations.

Morales’ support in these elections is not isolated. The former president of Argentina, Alberto Fernandezis also part of the electoral observation mission.

Both leaders head the delegation of the Puebla Groupa think tank of the Latin American left that is dedicated to promoting progressive ideas and policies in the region.

Evo Morales published a photo with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador where he announced his participation as an electoral observer in the Mexican elections (@evoespueblo/X)
Evo Morales published a photo with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador where he announced his participation as an electoral observer in the Mexican elections (@evoespueblo/X)

Morales assured that its presence in Mexico responds to an invitation from Morena political party. In her statements, she mentioned: “I am here to accompany our Mexican sisters and brothers in the national elections,” showing her support and solidarity with the Mexican democratic process.

Additionally, Morales expressed his admiration for Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), whom he praised for his management focused on peace and social justice. On his X account, Morales published a photo with the Mexican president, accompanied by a message of recognition and pride for visiting a country led by a leader committed to these values.

The presence of Morales and Fernández in Mexico underlines the importance of elections in the region and the relevance of international observation to guarantee transparent and fair processes.

With the presence of these two characters, they are part of the more than 23 thousand national and international observers who are present during the election day of this day, as announced by the president of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Guadalupe Taddei.

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