This is how Jorge Álvarez Máynez, MC presidential candidate, voted in CDMX: “A unique experience to see my name”

This is how Jorge Álvarez Máynez, MC presidential candidate, voted in CDMX: “A unique experience to see my name”
This is how Jorge Álvarez Máynez, MC presidential candidate, voted in CDMX: “A unique experience to see my name”

(Jorge Álvarez Máynez Press)

Jorge Álvarez Máynezpresidential candidate of the Citizen Movement (MC), came to cast his vote in the elections being held today at the national level, which are considered the largest in the history of Mexico, because 20,708 positions will be renewed in all the states of the country, among which the Presidency of the Republic, senators, deputations, nine governorships and mayors’ offices stand out.

The first Emecista presidential candidate went to vote at the polling station located in the Juan Escutia Street 67, Colonia Condesa, Cuauhtémoc, in Mexico City, accompanied by his family and his campaign team.

Alvarez Maynez He told the media that it had been a unique experience to have seen his name in the box, and noted that he showed his little son, Luciano, what the process was like to cast his vote.

In addition, he said that the process was a little slow, but that it was normal. He indicated that he will endorse the result for whoever wins.

He said that he will be meeting with the campaign team and Dante Delgado. He invited citizens to go out and vote.

According to his curricular profile, published in the Legislative Information System, Jorge Álvarez Máynez is a graduate of the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies (ITESO), where he studied degree in international relations.

He is also a graduate of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies, where he completed a master’s degree in Public Administration and Public Policy, between 2006 and 2008, as well as the Carbonell Center for Legal Studies, where he studied master’s degree in Constitutional Law and Human Rightsin 2017.

(Jorge Álvarez Máynez Press)
(Jorge Álvarez Máynez Press)

From 2004 to 2007 he was councilor of Zacatecas, Zacatecas; and later, he served as a local deputy in the LX Legislature of the Congress of Zacatecas, president of the Municipal Strengthening Commission and secretary of the Culture Commission, from 2010 to 2013.

From 2015 to 2018 he was a federal deputy in the LXIII Legislature, in which he worked as secretary of the Culture and Cinematography commissions; and, Public Education and Educational Services. Likewise, he was a member of the Children’s Rights commissions; of information and communication technologies; For the cultural heritage of Mexico; and, of the Committee of the Center for Social Studies and Public Opinion.

In his profile, Álvarez Máynez highlights that he was previously founding director of the newspaper La Jornada in Aguascalientes and general director of Tercera Vía.

Archive image of the candidate for the presidency of Mexico for the Citizen Movement (MC), Jorge Álvarez Maynez. EFE/ Francisco Guasco
Archive image of the candidate for the presidency of Mexico for the Citizen Movement (MC), Jorge Álvarez Maynez. EFE/ Francisco Guasco

According to his website, Álvarez Máynez’s government plan is based on three axes marked as Mexico with justice, prosperous Mexico and Mexico of equals.

According to the same information, among its security and justice proposals is the creation of the Higher Police Training Academy, the improvement of salaries and decent working conditions for officers and changing the Public Ministry model to investigative police.

It will also seek to create a Federal Highway Police and, in agreement with the states, state highway police, as well as delimit the tasks of the Army and the National Guard to territories with high rates of violence, the gradual return of the Armed Forces to the barracks.

Other of its proposals in the same area are:

  • Access to free and appropriate advice and defense from the Public Defender’s Offices.
  • Public Defender for indigenous peoples and communities with bilingual professional advisors.
  • Create a national social reintegration system that allows standardizing social reintegration programs with an intersectional perspective and a human rights approach in all prisons in the country.
  • Attention for young people seeking to leave organized crime to achieve a new way of life in peace.
  • Drug regulation.
  • Amnesty for people in prison for crimes related to the possession and consumption of cannabis.
  • Provide autonomy to the Special Commission for Attention to Victims and the National Search Commission.
  • International cooperation of experts from the UN and IACHR, in addition to including victims in decision-making bodies.

While its proposals on issues of economy, infrastructure and development are:

  • Increase public investment by 100,000 million pesos per year until it reaches 4.5% of GDP in 2030.
  • Guarantee affordable housing.
  • Make the tenders public through the internet and have them recorded for consultation.
  • Maintenance and rehabilitation of schools and public spaces.
  • Build 100 plants to use organic waste, with the aim of converting it into ecological carbon to generate electrical energy.
  • Annual increase in public investment of 100,000 million pesos per year.
  • Reduce electricity costs with clean and renewable energies, among others.

Regarding equality, their proposals are:

  • Double the budget assigned to girls and boys to be allocated to the early childhood program.
  • Universal and free coverage against childhood cancer.
  • Expanded health coverage for early childhood.
  • Guarantee access to a basic vaccination schedule from 0 years of age.
  • Expand health coverage for early childhood and access to the basic vaccination schedule from 0 years of age.
  • Implement an Early Childhood Care Program that guarantees medical care services for pregnant women, prenatal care, childbirth care, health, nutrition and educational services for boys and girls from 1 to 6 years old.
  • Guarantee full coverage for children from 0 to 6 years old, progressively.
Álvarez Máynez responded to the voices calling for his decline (Cuartoscuro)
Álvarez Máynez responded to the voices calling for his decline (Cuartoscuro)
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