Donald Trump says he is not afraid of a possible prison sentence | The former US president was found guilty of bribing a porn actress

Donald Trump says he is not afraid of a possible prison sentence | The former US president was found guilty of bribing a porn actress
Donald Trump says he is not afraid of a possible prison sentence | The former US president was found guilty of bribing a porn actress

Former US President Donald Trump assured in an interview on Fox News who is not afraid of a jail sentence or house arrest, after having been found guilty of 34 crimes of falsifying documents to silence a porn actress. In the midst of the presidential campaign and seeking to reach out to young people, Trump joined TikTok and posted his first video on the popular social media app he tried to ban while in office.

Although the Republican magnate indicated that he would personally accept being detained for the charges imposed in this trial, he warned that such a sentence “would be difficult for the public to accept.” Interviewed for more than an hour for the morning show Fox and Friends, the Republican magnate maintained that he is not afraid of the sentence that Judge Juan Merchan will read on July 11, after a jury found him guilty of all charges on Thursday of falsifying documents in 2016 with the intention of influencing the electoral process that brought him to the White House.

“These people are sick, they are disturbed. We talk about the external enemy and the internal enemy. You have China or Russia, but if you are an intelligent president you can easily handle them. The enemy within is doing a lot of damage to our country. “They want open borders, high interest rates and quadrupling taxes,” said Trump, who will be sentenced a few days before being confirmed as the Republican presidential candidate at his party’s convention.

Trump joins TikTok

To reach out to younger voters as he seeks re-election in November, Trump posted a 13-second clip to TikTok on Saturday night which shows him in his usual blue suit and red tie attending a fight of the popular wrestling association Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in New Jersey. In the video, recorded to blaring music, Trump is introduced by UFC CEO Dana White and leans toward the camera saying, “I’m honored.”

While in power, Trump attempted to ban TikTok on national security grounds with an executive order, but the effort stalled in court when a federal judge questioned how the move would affect the platform’s free speech and blocked the decision. In April, Biden signed a bill into law approving a ban on TikTok in the United States if its Chinese owner, Bytedance, fails to find a local buyer for the app within a year.

Daniels asks for jail

Stormy Daniels, the former porn actress at the center of the case that led to Trump being convicted, called for the current Republican candidate for the White House to be imprisoned. “I think he should be sentenced to jail and some community service working for the less fortunate.or being a volunteer punching bag at a women’s shelter,” Daniels told the British newspaper Daily Mirror.

The former porn actress and scriptwriter pointed out that trumpfirst former American president convicted by justice, “is completely and absolutely out of touch with reality”. “Being in court was very intimidating for me, with the jurors looking at me,” said the woman who uses a stage name but is legally called Stephanie Clifford.

Trump called the process against him “unfair” and was released without bail after last week’s hearing. The former president could be sentenced to four years in prison when the judge announces the sentence, but it is more likely that he will be sentenced to probation since he has no prior record. Even if he finally went to jail, He is not disqualified from continuing with his electoral campaign.

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