NASA reveals that a strange anomaly is intensifying on our planet – Teach me about Science

NASA reveals that a strange anomaly is intensifying on our planet – Teach me about Science
NASA reveals that a strange anomaly is intensifying on our planet – Teach me about Science
Image credits: Shutterstock

All the time, scientists are studying, researching and monitoring what is happening on Earth and beyond it, so it is very possible that at all times situations will be found that astonish those who encounter them or that put them on alert, such as This happens with the magnetic anomaly that scientists have detected in the Earth’s magnetic field, which has intensified over time.

It has been the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), together with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the Defense Geographic Center (DGC), who confirmed the discovery of the anomaly over the South Atlantic, which is known as South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), which has increased its activity in the last 4 years.

This phenomenon can be explained as if it were a “dent” in the Earth’s magnetic field, and although it may seem that this anomaly is recent, the truth is that it has already been in the sights of researchers for some years and it is a behavior atypical in the Earth’s magnetic field, which, as mentioned, is above Latin America, a region that has weakened over the years.

This phenomenon is known as “Vast development”, which generates problems with the satellites and spacecraft that the agency has launched into outer space, because they are the ones closest to solar radiation.

Image credits: European Space Agency

The South Atlantic magnetic anomaly is expanding and deepening, causing enormous concern among the scientific community. And although it does not represent any risk to life on Earth, according to information from Science Alert, the Earth’s magnetic field is significantly weaker compared to other areas of the planet, which negatively affects the planet’s navigation systems.

In the 2023 annual report of the World Magnetic Model (WMM), prepared by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the British Geological Survey (BGS), it is announced that in 2023 there was a decrease in the intensity of the magnetic field at the surface level of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly.

It is true that this anomaly does not imply risks for human health or for life on Earth in general, but when it comes to communications, satellites and radio waves they can be affected. For this reason, satellites and high-level navigation systems located in Brazil (the most affected region) have been exposed and more vulnerable.

Due to the weakness of the magnetic field in this area of ​​the Earth, failures can occur in electronic components and on-board systems, so communication and environmental monitoring technologies would be seriously affected, causing them to break down or equipment is disconnected, in addition to affecting the compasses.

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