Flor Vigna explained why she cannot be friends with Luciano Castro

Flor Vigna explained why she cannot be friends with Luciano Castro
Flor Vigna explained why she cannot be friends with Luciano Castro

Vigna Flower, well-known singer and former partner of actor Luciano Castro, broke the silence and revealed how her relationship with him turned out. Six months after separating from her and after being together for more than two years, Vigna confessed that before Castro whitewashed her relationship with Griselda Siciliani, they maintained a good bond.

Read more: What was the advice that Sabrina Rojas gave to Flor Vigna after breaking up with Luciano Castro

In an interview with the program Intrusos, Flor Vigna talked about how she is right now, after having gone through the grieving process for the separation. “I’m very good, like when good times come,” said the singer. Despite the distance, Vigna commented that she still keeps in touch with Castro and that when they talk, they do so out of affection and how nice it was to live together during those three years.

However, Vigna clarified that she does not believe in friendship between former partners, although she does believe in a good relationship. “The truth is that it was a very beautiful love, so when we got together to give each other things back, it was a kind of thanking each other, crying together, but knowing that the romantic and the sexual are left out,” the singer confessed.

During the interview, Vigna was questioned about the opinion of Sabrina Rojas, mother of Castro’s children, who had commented that he must have been very in love to participate in one of Vigna’s video clips surrounded by Barbie dolls. Given this, the singer pointed out that there are still certain sexist attitudes in the world and stated that both had helped each other, highlighting that she had even supported Castro in the theater.

Also read: Flor Vigna revealed who she has taken refuge in since Luciano Castro dates Griselda Siciliani

Although Vigna did not reveal the exact reasons for their separation, he pointed out the difficulty of being a public figure and the lack of privacy to tell intimate details. However, she emphasized that she loved Castro very much and that sometimes, loving means letting go.

Finally, Vigna admitted that Luciano Castro was a great love for her and thanked him for everything she experienced. “Suddenly I met a beautiful person. I couldn’t avoid her and I thank her very much for everything I experienced,” the singer concluded before Castro whitewashed her new relationship.

This revealing interview shows Flor Vigna’s feelings and thoughts about her relationship with Luciano Castro, making it clear that although the romanticism has ended, the relationship between them still has a special place in their hearts.

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