Morena won “full car” with CDMX and eight states: Mario Delgado (Video)

Morena won “full car” with CDMX and eight states: Mario Delgado (Video)
Morena won “full car” with CDMX and eight states: Mario Delgado (Video)

MEXICO CITY (apro).- The national president of Morena, Mario Delgado Carrillo, assured that the “Let’s continue making history” coalition won “a complete victory” in the eight states where this Sunday they voted for governor, in addition to the head of Government of Mexico City and “you know what else”, in reference to the Presidency of the Republic.

In the first message offered at the closing of the polls this Sunday, he assured: “We have very good news, that just as we set the goal that we were going for 10 out of 10, the eight governorships, department heads (sic) and you already know which further”.

From the Morena Operations Center, in the Hilton hotel in the Historic Center, Delgado Carrillo boasted that, according to the results of five exit polls, Clara Brugada won the capital’s head of government, with “a resounding victory.” She was the only entity in which she mentioned the result of five measurements.

Then, he said that the results of two pollsters gave the victory to the 4T in Jalisco, with Claudia Delgadillo, in Veracruz with Rocío Nahle, in Morelos with Margarita González and in Chiapas with Eduardo Ramírez.

According to the general coordinator of Claudia Sheinbaum’s campaign, three exit polls gave the win to Joaquín Díaz Mena in Yucatán, Alejandro Armenta in Puebla, and Javier May in Tabasco.

The national leader of Morena acknowledged that in Guanajuato, with the candidate Alma Alcaraz, “we have very close numbers. “We are going to wait to have the minutes to also defend our victory in Guanajuato.”

Accompanied by federal deputy Gerardo Fernández Noroña, he assured: “We are leading the pack in these elections.” However, he warned that in some parts of the country the polls have not yet closed and called on people to vote.

Mario Delgado recognized the citizens who have participated voluntarily as polling station representatives: “they have already done the most difficult thing, which is to spend all day protecting the will of the people; Please stay until the end, stay for the counts to be carried out with absolute transparency, protect your minutes and you must deliver them to the appropriate party. Help us document and have all the information to defend the triumphs that belong to the people of Mexico.”

The Morenista stressed that, “once again the people of Mexico have shown that they want to live in democracy and today we are witnessing a historic day where the massive participation of the people shows that the peaceful and democratic revolution that began in 2018 is here to stay.” “There is no turning back because it is in the conscience of these great people of Mexico.”

And he closed with a thank you to the people of Mexico: “Today it was demonstrated that we have a lot of people and transformative hope is once again making its way against conservatism.”

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