Club World Cup: Pachuca seeks to protect Idrissi, Deossa and Rondón

After winning the Concacaf Champions Cup, the Tuzos will now try to keep their squad intact for the World Cup

Colombian names Nelson Deossathe Moroccan Oussama Idrissi and the Venezuelan Salomon Rondon have been linked to more than one team after the good season of the Pachucabut the Tuzos They intend to retain their players, after beating the Columbus Crew in the Concacaf Champions Cup Final and qualifying for the World Club Championship.

“I want him to stay IdrissiI want him to stay Deossa, Salomon Rondonthe only one I would like to go to Europe is Erick ‘Chiquito’ Sánchez,” commented the president of the PachucaArmando Martínez, in an interview with ESPNafter winning the Concacaf Champions Cup championship.

Pachuca has the commitment of the Intercontinental Cup, which will be played at the end of 2024, and in which Real Madrid is classified, in addition to the ticket to the Club World Cup, which will be held in the United States with 32 teams from around the world. That forces the Tuzos to try to retain their best footballers, to be able to compete in both tournaments.

“I have the phones turned off for any offer,” stated the president of the Pachuca. “On Monday we will see, we want Erick Sánchez to go to Europe, it is our priority. We want to keep the team at its best, important challenges are coming, the Mexican tournament is very important and we want to compete in the Club World Cup“We have to hold on and train the team well, strengthen it for next year.”

The only one who has the doors open for a negotiation is Erick Sánchez, midfielder of the Tuzos. The captain of the Hidalgo team has earned the title and is a Mexican national team, which is why he has attracted the attention of teams from Mexico and Europe. In case of a good offer, he would leave Guillermo Almada’s team.

Guillermo Almada himself recognizes that several of his players have attracted the attention of the transfer market and has asked the board not to dismantle the team as in the past, in which up to 18 players left.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t happen to us like the last time, when we lost 18 players, due to the interest and great performance. Surely there will be some way out and I don’t like to put obstacles in their way,” commented Guillermo Almada.

Pachuca is committed to not weakening its squad, despite the interest of other teams, with its sights set on the Club World Cup.

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