Uuc-kib Swords Ancona – Political Size

Uuc-kib Swords Ancona – Political Size
Uuc-kib Swords Ancona – Political Size

Mexico City, June 1, 2024

Participate in the discussion “Political actors and the INE”

Elections, democracy and electoral processes rest on political parties. For their part, the electoral authorities – administrative and jurisdictional – are instruments to guarantee equitable competition, said the Counselor of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Uuc-kib Espadas Ancona.

When participating in the discussion Political Actors and the INE, he maintained that “there is no contemporary democracy without political parties and without interparty competition. Political parties are the fundamental basis of this democracy.”

Before Luis Oscar Cuenca, representing the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Colosio Foundation, AC, as well as Julio Castillo, General Director of the Rafael Preciado Hernández Foundation -representing the National Action Party (PAN)-, Espadas celebrated that today Today the autonomy of the INE is out of question.

The Counselor said that after the next electoral results that will be the product of a complete election, the challenge of the INE is to recover institutional trust that, although it was not undermined after the attacks in recent years, “it did suffer wear and tear in these terrible confrontations that fortunately did not manage to suppress this autonomous authority.”

Councilor Uuc-kib Espadas stressed that the oversight of political actors and parties is the crucial frontier so that authentic elections can be guaranteed in Mexico. “No one can, at least 30 years ago, commit electoral fraud in the polls, but the illicit flow of money has marked the electoral processes in more ways than one.”

Finally, he pointed out that the plural debate in which partisan ideas are the center of the democratic discussion is what should characterize the social dissemination, civic education and civic training policies carried out by the INE.

In their interventions, the representatives of the PRI and PAN political parties agreed that the political party system is the guarantor of democracy.

During the day, other conversations titled A new generation of voters and Technology and electoral democracy were held at the INE facilities.

Text and Photo: National Electoral Institute

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