No trends in the election of local councils – El Heraldo de Chiapas

No trends in the election of local councils – El Heraldo de Chiapas
No trends in the election of local councils – El Heraldo de Chiapas

The choice of 24 deputations Due to the principle of relative majority in Chiapas, it was in uncertainty until the early hours of Monday, June 3, since the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP) showed an advance of computed minutes of only 0.5948%, corresponding to 6 thousand 947 .

This minimum Advance reflects a citizen participation of 58.4933 percent, which is why the General Council of the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation reports that the electoral packages from the polls to the district and municipal councils are arriving late, which detracts from the capture of data of the scrutiny and calculation records.

The president of the General Council of the IEPC, María Magdalena Vila Domínguez, during the session in the plenary room, clarified that “it is not that the PREP does not work, it is the delay in the arrival of the electoral packages that delays the capture of data from the scrutiny and counting records.”

There are thirteen matches politicians those who participate in local elections for deputies. The districts have their headquarters in Tuxtla Gutiérrez on 1 and 2; the 3rd in Chiapa de Corzo; the 4th in Yajalón; the 5th in San Cristóbal de las Casas; the 6th in Comitán de Domínguez; the 7th in Ocosingo; the 8th in Simojovel de Allende; the 9th in Palenque; the 10th in La Trinitaria; the 11th in Bochil; in 12 in Pichucalco; on the 13th in Tuxtla Gutiérrez; the 14th in Cintalapa de Figueroa; in 15 in Tonalá; on the 16th in Huixtla; the 17th in Motozintla; on the 18th and 19th in Tapachula; the 20th in Las Margaritas; on the 21st in Venustiano Carranza; on the 22nd in Chamula; on the 23rd in Villaflores; and on the 24th in Chilón.

None of the thirteen political parties proclaimed victor In none of the 24 local electoral districts, everyone was waiting. Nobody made public anything about the political parties PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, MORENA, PVEM, Chiapas Unidos, Mover a Chiapas, Progressive Social Networks, Encuentro Solidario, Fuerza por México Chiapas, Chiapas Unidos and Movimiento Ciudadano.

Few were the data that the PREP showed how the LXIX Legislature of the State Congress would be integrated, which would take office on October 1 of this year. The electoral process would be concluding on the last day of September, the date on which all challenge processes before the Electoral Tribunal of the State of Chiapas and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation must conclude.

Chiapas elects 24 councils by the principle of relative majority and 16 by the principle of proportional representation, all will assume the constitutional exercise on October 1 and must be finishing their three-year mandate on the last day of September 2027, but for now the uncertainty of who will be the next legislators of the Chiapas State Congress.

The current LXVIII Local Legislature that is about to conclude, of its 40 members, 15 legislators belong to the national political party Morena, 10 to the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, 6 to the Labor Party, two legislators correspond to Chiapas Unidos, two legislators to the Mover a Chiapas party, one to Encuentro Solidario, one deputation to Progressive Social Networks, two to the Institutional Revolutionary Party and one to the National Action Party.

With the vote of the people of Chiapas this Sunday, June 2, the composition of the next Local Legislature will be different.

Read more: Due to violence, residents of Chicomuselo and Comalapa vote in special polling stations in Tuxtla

In the LXVIII Legislature, the previous one, which served from 2018 to 2021, of the 40 deputies, the national political party Morena had 12 local deputies, the Institutional Revolutionary Party 5, Green Ecologist of Mexico 5, Labor Party 5, Social Encounter party 4, Chiapas Unidos 4, Move to Chiapas 2, National Action 1, Party of the Democratic Revolution 1 and one independent.

The next Local Legislature will have the responsibility In this year of taking the oath of office to the next governor of the state on December 8, he will receive the proposed expenditure and income budget for 2025 and its approval, in addition, he will have the responsibility of approving the 2024 public account of the current governor of the state, Rutilio Escandón Chains.

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