Marta Sánchez speaks proudly in ‘Espejo Público’ about the future of her daughter, Paula Cabanas, as a fashion designer at 20 years old

Marta Sánchez speaks proudly in ‘Espejo Público’ about the future of her daughter, Paula Cabanas, as a fashion designer at 20 years old
Marta Sánchez speaks proudly in ‘Espejo Público’ about the future of her daughter, Paula Cabanas, as a fashion designer at 20 years old

In full development of his next concert tour, Marta Sánchez wanted to open up about her vital moment that is going through. After her recent birthday, where we witnessed her gift of more than 2,000 euros, the artist sat down with Susanna Griso to talk about how she is feeling.

Not only professionally, with his project ‘Voy a mil’, but also personally. Despite the discretion with which she lives her courtship with Federico León, she has explained how happy she is at the moment romantically. Although, if there is someone who has become the protagonist of this interview in ‘Public Mirror’ it has been his daughter Paula Cabanas.

Thus, although at other times during the interview she also seemed calm and very was when talking about his daughter that his face showed a very special illusion. About to turn 21, specifically on August 1, her mother has already revealed her daughter’s passion for music on several occasions.

However, in this interview for Susanna Griso she explained that It doesn’t seem like he’s going to follow in his footsteps on stage.. For the moment, the footsteps of Paula Cabanas They are linked to art, but in another matter.

“It has that part of creativity”

“My daughter has a very strong character and I think that even if I advised her, which I have done like any mother, she has a very strong instinct. She has a father and a mother (in reference to her ex-husband Jesús Cabanas) with strong characters and artist genes. She has taken them out his DNA he has that part of creativity and he has very good taste when doing graphic or fashionable things,” he explained in ‘Public Mirror’.

Marta Sánchez herself has explained that the young woman is studying fashion design at the IED, the European Institute of Design, where other famous young people such as María Rosenfeldt, Ouka Leele’s daughter, have also trained in the world of fashion: “I think He has a lot of instinct, very good people skills, he is very good at it… I’m sure he’s going to do something amazing.“.

“Besides, She is a girl with a special light and talent.“, she assured about her future profession between fabrics and patterns. An interview where there was also no lack of memory for Marta Sánchez’s twin sister, ‘Paciña’, who died 20 years ago.

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