They send more pipes to distribute water in the south of Tamaulipas – El Sol de Tampico

They send more pipes to distribute water in the south of Tamaulipas – El Sol de Tampico
They send more pipes to distribute water in the south of Tamaulipas – El Sol de Tampico

By instructions of the Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya, the Secretariat of Hydraulic Resources for Social Development has sent tanker trucks with a capacity of 20 thousand liters each.

Both will be used for the distribution of water in the municipalities of Tampico, Madero and Altamirareported José Manuel Morín Rodríguez, Undersecretary of Operation and Strengthening of Operating Organizations.

Support for the south of Tamaulipas

With the arrival of these units, the support to the southern area of ​​Tamaulipas, adding to those that the Secretariat had previously sent and those that have arrived from other entities, totaling 50 units distributing the vital liquid.

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Additionally, they have been installed 25 isotanks with a capacity of 24 thousand liters at strategic points, also sent by the state agency.

“The instruction of Governor Americo Villarreal to our secretary Raúl Quiroga is continue very attentive to the situation in the municipalities of Tampico, Madero and Altamira, and that these tanker trucks remain in that region for as long as necessary, while the contingency lasts,” explained Morín Rodríguez.

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Water crisis that began eight years ago

For his part, the manager of Comapa Sur, Francisco González Casanova, thanked the governor Americo Villarreal he support which represents the arrival of this unitswhich will allow ensure he access the rest families to this vital liquid.

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He reiterated that both Government of Tamaulipas as the Secretariat of Hydraulic Resources and the department in charge are carrying out Actions for to mitigate this water crisis derived from eight years of drought, ensuring that they work continuously so that the inhabitants do not run out of water for their basic needs.

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