The sanctions that Juan Grabois and Leila Gianni could receive after the ruling of the Federal Chamber

After what was a hectic crossing on Tuesday, the Federal Chamber of Comodoro Py This Wednesday he ordered the Ministry of Human Capital to evaluate the conduct of Leila Giannias well as the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital (CPACF), the Juan Grabois.

This occurs within the framework of the ruling where the Justice ratified that the Government must present a stored food distribution plan in the Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo warehouses, in Tucumán, an issue that has been at the center of controversy for several days.

In this way, the court ruled: ”Issuance of letters with a copy of this statement to the Public Bar Association of this city and to the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation so that, within the framework of their respective disciplinary powers, they evaluate the conduct displayed by Juan Grabois and Leila Gianni in the hearing held before this Chamber.

What sanctions could Juan Grabois and Leila Gianni have?

The CPACF, whose president is Ricardo Gil Lavedrawill be in charge of analyzing Grabois’s conduct, while the Executive Branch will do its thing with Gianni.

For the lawyer, the complaint lies with the Presidency of the CPACF Disciplinary Court. From there, if it meets the formal requirements, one of the three Court rooms – made up of five lawyers each – will be drawn in which the case will be held. If they decide that there are sufficient reasons, they summon Grabois to make his defense and present his arguments. It may also happen that a trial instance is opened, where the Court orders measures in order to obtain more information in this regard.

Having just passed these instances, the Court makes a decision: if Grabois is sanctioned, It can range from a warning to a suspension for a certain period. The extreme would be an expulsion from school enrollment, which would prevent him from practicing in national and federal justice. Once issued, the lawyer can appeal his ruling before the Federal Administration Litigation Chamber.

On the other hand, Gianni’s would go to the Attorney General of the Nation’s Treasury – headed by Rodolfo Barra – due to her rank as undersecretary and career in public administration. In any case, it may change and the case may be processed in the ministry itself.

The procedure begins with an administrative summary, in order to evaluate the conduct of the accused, in this case Gianni. Sanctions, as in the case of Graboiscan range from a warning to suspension, the most extreme being a case of expulsion from office.

The hard intersection between Juan Grabois and Sandra Pettovello’s second in the hearing for the distribution of food

The social leader Juan Grabois and the Undersecretary of Human Capital Legal, Leila Giannistarred in an intense crossover in the federal courts, where a key hearing is being held to review the precautionary measure presented by the Government against Judge Sebastián Casanello’s measure.

The leaders, both testifying at the hearing, crossed paths in the hallways and did not spare their reproaches. “Now you wear a lion, before you wore a penguin”said Grabois about the militant past of Gianni, who, according to different versions, had a past as a Kirchnerist militant.

“The penguin was eaten by the lion. Stop extorting people,” Gianni replied in response. Grabois, for his part, described the La Libertad Avanza (LLA) official as “Kuka, thief”. You are a piece of shit who takes food from the poor. Kirchnerista, macrista, massista, mileista. You have no credibility, and as a lawyer you are stupid.“.

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