UCAM: Where the leaders of the future are formed

Thursday, June 6, 2024, 09:31

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The choice about what and where to study is transcendental and determines the direction our lives will take. Therefore, it is key to be clear about the sector in which we want to dedicate ourselves professionally and to know how to choose. a university committed to its studentsboth in the academic and personal spheres.

Not sure what steps to take? Below, we offer you a guide on the key aspects to consider when choosing the best university.

What to look for when choosing the best university?

Professions related to STEM disciplines (sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics) have a great perspective in the current and future context. This is due to technological evolution and the digital transformation that is being imposed in all sectors. Likewise, areas related to marketing and management or health They have also acquired great relevance.

At this time of year, many families wonder which is the best university. And the answer is very simple. The best university is the one where the student is the protagonist.

Furthermore, the institution must be capable of training great professionals who, in a comprehensive manner, lead the future by responding to the demands of society. And this is the basis on which UCAM was born and has been founded for 27 years.

Through its eleven faculties (Law; Economics and Business; Medicine; Health Sciences; Sports; Nursing; Pharmacy and Nutrition; Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Occupational Therapy; Education; Social and Communication Sciences, and Higher Polytechnic School), UCAM trains with excellence qualified professionals who respond to the needs demanded by society.

La Católica de Murcia is characterized by offering tutorial support (academic and personal), training in values ​​in the light of Christian humanism, top-level research and grassroots support for sport. All of this allows the student to complete their training in a comprehensive way. Thus, he will acquire professional and personal skills to enter the world of work in the best conditions.

But everything does not stay there. Added to this is the commitment to digital transformation with the use of innovative technologies and methodologies. They choose it for both teaching and research in all its disciplines.

The importance of practical training

The UCAM offers tutored training with internal practices that are complemented by external ones.

The UCAM offers tutored training with internal practices that are complemented by external ones.

The development of practical skills is essential in the training of future professionals. And this is the reason why UCAM has developed a teaching methodology focused on them.

Likewise, it has cutting-edge facilities equipped with the latest generation equipment. Among them, the food laboratories, criminology, robotics, translation and interpretation, Courtroom, GastroLab, RTV studio and set, Pharmacy Classroom, dental clinics in Murcia and Cartagena, university Podiatry and Nutrition services, etc. stand out.

Besides, The own practical classes are complemented with other external ones and extracurriculars. This is possible thanks to agreements with a multitude of companies and institutions, with the student being able to request those that best suit their preferences.

A “5 Star” university

The prestigious company specialized in the analysis of higher education institutions around the world, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), rates the Catholic University of Murcia with its 5 Stars. This is due to the excellence of its educational model, its internationalization, inclusivity, online training and commitment to its students.

One of the categories in which UCAM achieves the highest score is in ‘Teaching’, highlighting among the results the high level of satisfaction of its students.

Likewise, the institution is positioned as the best private university in Spain in attracting private funds for research. In this way, it is evident the confidence that companies place in their ability to develop R&D&i projects and transfer knowledge to the productive sector.

What’s more, this fact is perfectly complemented by the fact that it is the second Spanish private university in number of patents carried out in collaboration with companies. This only reaffirms its strong connection with the productive fabric.

Students from 135 countries

The latest edition of the CYD Foundation Ranking reflects UCAM’s leadership in internationalization. Its academic offering in English is very well positioned, ranking second and third nationally in degree and master’s programs, respectively. What’s more, it is among the five best universities in Spain, both public and private, in managing work placements abroad.

Its commitment to internationalization is evident and is reflected in the increasing presence of students from all over the world. And this is another distinctive feature of the university, since the diversity of cultures enriches the life of its campuses in Cartagena and Murcia.

UCAM is the university in the Region, and one of the first in Spain, that offers the most degrees in English, both undergraduate and postgraduate. It is something especially relevant in today’s globalized world, where companies demand professionals with command of a second language.

More than 700 of the foreign students who joined UCAM last year met at the Besoccer La Condomina Stadium in November.

More than 700 of the foreign students who joined UCAM last year met at the Besoccer La Condomina Stadium in November.

It is worth highlighting the launch of the Veterinary Degree last year. in bilingual mode. This degree is aimed at training competitive professionals throughout the European Higher Education area. To this end, it includes growing veterinary disciplines such as physiotherapy and animal welfare, which complement the training of its students.

Other titles in English already established are Business Administration and Management; Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, and Dentistry — which is taught on the Cartagena Campus.

Training in one of the best universities is possible in the Region of Murcia if you are looking for educational quality, committed teachers and cutting-edge facilities and tools. All of this is offered by the San Antonio Catholic University.

High employability

83.6% of UCAM graduates find work within a year after completing their studies. This is concluded by the progress of the report prepared by the University’s Occupational Observatory on a sample of 1,842 graduates regarding the 2020-22 period. This shows once again the quality of their training and the fruits of close collaboration with the business community.

The report “Analysis of the Labor Insertion of University Graduates 2023”, from the BBVA Foundation, concludes that the employment rate in Spain of young people who have recently graduated with higher education, between 20-34 years old, is 76.8 %. To this data we must add that 8.8% do not join the labor market because they decide to continue with their training.

Furthermore, the document adds that 80.6% of UCAM graduates from the period analyzed are working two years after graduating.

In the UCAM report, framed in its Vice-Rectorate for Quality and Academic Organization, it is also reflected that degrees from the Murcian institution in the field of health, such as Medicine and Pharmacy, they have 100% job placement. Identical results obtained degrees from the Higher Polytechnic School as Architecture, Building Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunicationswith all of its graduates working.

These positive results are the result of continuous collaboration between the Catholic University of Murcia and companies. Thanks to this, it is easier for students to carry out internships as a fundamental part of their training.

Likewise, the launch of industrial doctorates and the creation of the high-tech incubator in health, sports and food «UCAM HiTech». Through it, entrepreneurship and business creation are promoted.

Open pre-registration for the 2024-25 academic year

UCAM has the pre-registration period open for the 2024-25 academic year for its extensive catalog of degrees and postgraduate degrees, both on its campuses in Murcia and Cartagena and online.

Simultaneous studies

Differentiating is an added value. For this reason, the Católica de Murcia makes available to the student degree simultaneous itineraries in different areas of knowledge. This allows you to obtain two degrees in the shortest time possible and have a more versatile professional profile, which expands and improves job options.

More information

Complete academic offer: www.ucam.edu

Contact: 968 278 800 / [email protected]

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