Fierce intersection between Martín Tetaz, Francisco Paoltroni and Margarita Stolbizer over Government cuts

Fierce intersection between Martín Tetaz, Francisco Paoltroni and Margarita Stolbizer over Government cuts
Fierce intersection between Martín Tetaz, Francisco Paoltroni and Margarita Stolbizer over Government cuts

The deputies Martin Tetaz (Radical Civic Union) and Margarita Stolbizer (GEN) had a strong fight with the senator Francisco Paoltroni (La Libertad Avanza) while they discussed the approval of laws, the current economic situation and the cuts carried out by the president’s government Javier Milei. In the midst of the lack of job creation, the conversation escalated when the libertarian legislator asked the radical how many jobs it had generated.

“What we are going to be witnessing this year is a brutal deterioration of the infrastructure in Argentina. It is a difficult scenario to invest“said the UCR deputy at the beginning. “It’s going to be very complicated, there are no routes, there are no trains, because the Government suspended completely public works“added Tetaz, warning that the national Administration has not yet created a private tender system to replace the works that the State left inactive.

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Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

“This comes from many years of deterioration,” Paoltroni explained. And Tetaz pointed out to him: “Absolutely, and you guys go deeper into it.”. In that sense, the national senator stated that there are “many infrastructure works that are profitable and can be entirely private initiative,” and gave as an example the South American railroad integration. “We are already working on a project,” she mentioned.

“But They do not tender the cables and the trains collide here in (the neighborhood) of Palermo,” said Stolbizer, within the framework of the program to Two Voices (TN). Angry at the comment made by the legislator who is part of the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, Paoltroni responded by raising his tone: “If he interrupts me, he won’t let me finish, don’t be disrespectful deputy. Leaving Paraguay towards the Pacific ports of Chile we we save three days of the ship to China.”

“This has an impressive return on investment. But since no one here concentrateswe do not do what we have to do to start generating it,” added the representative from Formosa.

Employment, Law Bases and projects

Along these lines, Paoltroni focused on arguing with Tetaz and asked him a question in the form of a chicane: “You, deputy. How many genuine jobs did it generate? The parker and the maid are not worth it”.

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“I generated a lot because I am the author of one of the labor reform projects that we put in the Base Law“, responded the economist, who was interrupted by Paoltroni, dedicated to livestock activity in his province before entering the Senate, with a question: “Nono, I I want to know about your venture”.

“I dedicate myself to my legislative work, which is that there are better laws in Argentina“, repeated the radical leader, emphasizing that he is dedicated to his work in the National Congress. “He’s not responding to me. I asked him how many SMEs founded and how many jobs it created,” the libertarian quickly stopped him. “Answer explicitly. tell me zero″he added.

The deputy of the UCR, Martín Tetaz.

You got angry when they interrupted you Just now you asked me a question and I’m going to answer. “I’m going to choose how to answer,” he pointed out in reference to his previous encounter with Stolbizer. “I am the author of the labor reform project.” most important of the last 30 years in Argentina, which you pruned, in part, because They agreed with the unions and they brought out the essentiality of education. They brought out the possibility that it exists an anti-blockade law that we had incorporated,” he explained.

Faced with this, the member of the Senate stated that “those who generate laws in Argentina they did not create a job in his life” and analyzed focusing on the “anti-caste” discourse that Milei himself uses: “That is the problem that we Argentines have We are theoretical, we are not practical”.

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Following his argument, Tetaz asked him the same question about the founder of La Libertad Avanza, who is also an economist. “How many jobs did Milei generate?”. Paoltroni assured that he “did not have the exact information” and began to talk about his own experience. “I can tell you that I created 50 jobs“, said.

“And what does that have to do with it?” Tetaz and Stolbizer responded almost in unison. “The President has to govern. You are a senator of the Nationnot businessman, you have to create laws“, said the radical, while the creator of the GEN closed: “He would have stayed in Formosa, why did he come to be a senator?”


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