80 years since the Normandy landings

80 years since the Normandy landings
80 years since the Normandy landings

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the 25th anniversary of Canal Historia, the channel will offer today a special consisting of a selection of exclusive content about the Second World War for 25 consecutive hours.

The programming will start coinciding with Hour H, that is, the same time the landing began, and will provide a deep understanding of the magnitude of the operation carried out by the allies during World War II.

Within the framework of the special, the exclusive premiere of D-Day: one hundred days to defeat the Third Reich, a documentary series that recalls the hundred days it took the Allies to liberate Normandy, break the German lines and pave the way to victory. From the first to the last day, this two-part production explores the Allied and German perspective, uncovering the lesser-known aspects of Operation Overlord and debunking some myths through never-before-seen footage and first-person accounts.

Likewise, the premiere of the production also takes on special prominence. D-Day: the story of the soldiersa format that shows the events of June 6, 1944 like never before.

Through this immersive documentary series, British writer and journalist Giles Milton reveals an astonishing story of fear, courage and heroism thanks to the testimonies of the first young soldiers who experienced the landing first-hand. Through historical recreations filmed on location in Normandy, the format offers a unique look, taking into account the experience of the Allies, French and Germans.

In this way, both offer a unique and moving perspective on D-Day, examining some of the most dramatic scenes of a historical moment. With this special, Canal Historia remains faithful to its commitment to the dissemination of history and knowledge, with quality work.

In addition, the special is completed with some of the most prestigious titles in the channel’s catalog such as Auschwitz in 33 objects, The bomber, The power of Hitler, The plane that led D-Day or Nazi secret science, among other.

Finally, he has also produced a series of pieces about a transcendental figure. This is the Spanish spy Juan Pujol, known as Garbo, a key agent in Operation Overlord.

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