Piura: They register at least two suspected cases of monkeypox and there would be three in the region

Piura: They register at least two suspected cases of monkeypox and there would be three in the region
Piura: They register at least two suspected cases of monkeypox and there would be three in the region

If these cases are confirmed, the national figure of this disease would reach 35 in 2024 alone. Lima continues to be the region with the highest number of registered cases, with 23.

Piura confirmed the appearance of the first case of monkeypox in several months. However the Ministry of Health It already has two other suspected cases of patients who could carry this disease in the region under surveillance. The information was confirmed by Edward Pozohead of the Health Intelligence Directorate of the Regional Health Directorate (Diresa).

If this information is confirmed, the Piura region would accumulate three cases of monkeypox. Currently, it is known that there was a third suspected case, but the evaluation was negative and the patient was ruled out as a carrier of the disease. In contact with the regional media CutivalúPozo indicated that he first positive case It was notified at the beginning of last month, on May 9.

“After that, the active search was carried out in which up to three more cases were identified, of which one is negative and two are awaiting results,” said the health specialist. Regarding the first confirmed patient, a 36-year-old woman, Pozo stated that “she has had a normal evolution of the disease, she is fine. Several weeks have already passed since the onset of the illness. However, we are monitoring in case new cases arise.”

The specialist also indicated that This disease is not endemic to Peru, so it is likely that this was caused by close contact between the patient and another person who has been affected by the disease virus. This is because no cases of this disease were reported in the region during the year 2023 and the The last confirmed patients were registered in 2022when there were around 50 infected patients.

Peru is the third country with the highest number of monkeypox cases in the world.
Peru is the third country with the highest number of monkeypox cases in the world.

In addition, Pozo pointed out that citizens should take into account the appearance of signs or symptoms of the disease to help it be diagnosed quickly. “If you have discomfort, fever and then present macules, papules or vesicles on the skin, immediately go to the health facility so that you can be treated and, in addition, take your sample to determine what you are having,” he indicated. to Cutivalú.

According to the Ministry, through its monkeypox situational room (MPOX), Peru currently has at least 33 confirmed cases of this disease and 23 of them (70%) are in Lima, specifically in Huarochirí. However, if we talk about Metropolitan Limathe area most affected by this disease is the district of San Martin de Porreswith five positive cases registered

Other districts that register confirmed patients of monkeypox They are: Los Olivos (3), Rimac, Ate, Comas, Chorrillos (2), Surquillo, Miraflores, San Miguel, Cercado de Lima, San Juan de Lurigancho, and El Agustino (1). For its part, in Callao there are also five cases distributed between Mi Perú, Ventanilla and Callao.

Huánuco and La Libertad are the regions in the interior of the country that register affected people, in addition to the Piura region, where the first confirmed patient of this disease has been registered after two years.

Monkeypox currently has 33 confirmed patients nationwide and 23 of them were registered in Lima. (Photo: Composition - Infobae/Renato Silva)
Monkeypox currently has 33 confirmed patients nationwide and 23 of them were registered in Lima. (Photo: Composition – Infobae/Renato Silva)

On the other hand, it was recorded that the 70% of the patients who suffer from this disease are adults between 30 and 59 yearswhile the young people of 18 to 29 years represent the 27% of infections and only 3% are children between 0 and 11 years.

What is known about the link between the disease and sexual relationsaccording to World Health Organization (WHO)is that because the virus is transmitted through direct contact, this includes “kissing, touching, oral sex, and penetrative vaginal or anal sex.”

In that sense, it is recommended that anyone who presents with new and unusual rashes or lesions should avoid having sexual relations or any other type of direct contact with other people until they have been examined for any infection. sexual transmission and the monkeypox.

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