Cristina Pedroche, about fear and motherhood in her book

Cristina Pedroche, about fear and motherhood in her book
Cristina Pedroche, about fear and motherhood in her book

“To try to understand me.” That is the main reason why Cristina Pedroche He has written his first book, Thanks to fear (Ed. Planet), in which she shares with complete frankness the fears that have plagued her from the moment she found out she was going to be a mother. This is how he explained it to Pablo Motos in The Anthill, where he went this Wednesday precisely to present the book. He tells her that, in the consultation with her gynecologist two weeks after giving birth, she asked him how she felt. “She looked at me, I felt like she was really asking me and I broke down.” At that moment, she couldn’t help but start crying: “I’m happy, I love my daughter, I love everything that’s happening to me, but I cry a lot. I see other mothers for whom everything is going well, who are very happy, but I don’t want to leave my house,” he confessed to his gynecologist. It was then that The doctor recommended that he write as therapy.

And Pedroche, who I felt “panic” every time I went to a pediatric or gynecological check-up and had to leave with little Laia out on the street, so he did. “I didn’t tell my parents, David or anyone, I was writing when the girl fell asleep” with the aim of putting, as she herself has told Pablo Motos, a little order in her head. Months later, the Planeta publishing house proposed to her to write a book about her experience entering motherhood and she responded that she had already written it. She just had to give shape to those words, those phrases, coming from the heart.

Why it is important to talk about fear in motherhood

The presenter is aware that Sharing your experience can help many other people., not only to pregnant women or new mothers, but to anyone who is scared or going through a situation of uncertainty for different reasons. For this reason, she “undresses herself” in the book and shares those feelings and emotions that may seem contradictory but, in reality, are not at all.

“After the birth of our baby, we can constantly feel in an emotional swing that can generate a lot of instability and uncertainty,” he explains. Bárbara Huarte Rodríguez, perinatal psychologist and founder and CEO of the Huarte Psychological Center ( Those feelings and fear that Cristina Pedroche talks about in her book are much more common than you think, even though the tendency is to idealize and show only the beautiful side of motherhood.

They may even (although this is not the case for Pedroche) have symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety, which are “mood disorders in the perinatal stage, which affect many women after the birth of the baby due to the changes hormonal, lack of sleep and new responsibilities,” says the psychologist.

Therefore, the fact that a well-known face like the presenter has the generosity to share those sensations that, in general, tend to be hidden, can shed light on many other new mothers. She had no problem at the time of naturally telling on her social networks that she went to a perinatal psychologist to receive the help she needed, something more than necessary in a similar situation, as indicated by Bárbara Huarte: “it is crucial to seek specialized professional supporthave the support of family members or trusted people who help us so that we do not lose our own self-care and can cover our most basic needs, to be able to prioritize and delegate everything that is not essential, to be able to express your feelings and talk about what what you are experiencing and consider individual psychotherapy or perinatal support groups to better cope with this stage and improve emotional well-being.”

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