Gran Price Vinyl Fest, the mecca of vinyl

Gran Price Vinyl Fest, the mecca of vinyl
Gran Price Vinyl Fest, the mecca of vinyl

June is the month of festivals and celebrations around music, so let’s go with one more: from June 7 to 9, Barcelona will vibrate to the rhythm of vinyl with the 5th edition of the Great Price Vinyl Fest. On this occasion, the festival extends over three days, filling the Fossat del Mercat de Sant Antoni with a wide selection of vinyl for all tastes.

A paradise for music lovers

Collectors, music lovers and music fans in general will gather at this unique event to discover musical treasures from all genres and eras. From rock and pop classics to jazz, soul, funk, electronica and much more, there will be vinyl for all ears. More than 20 exhibitors from all over Catalonia, as well as stores from the USA or France, will offer authentic gems that will surely elevate your vinyl selection. Some of the notable names? Round Discs, Fauni Gena, Mobydisk Records, Lostracks, Los Vinilos Viajeros, Be Good Records (France) or Velvet Underground (USA). In addition, the musical paraders of the Sant Antoni Sunday Market will also take center stage, with the presence of England Records, Gillermo, L’illa del Tresor and Jordi Tartera.

More than buying records

He Great Price Vinyl Fest It’s not just about buying old vinyl and rarities, it’s also an opportunity to enjoy live music and witness DJ’s vs Dealers, an epic duel between the most talented DJs on the Barcelona scene. In this musical battle, the most renowned DJs on the Barcelona scene face a unique challenge: select your music on the fly between festival stops. They are assigned a random fair stop and they have one hour to prepare a session with the vinyl that they can find there, regardless of gender or style. It is a challenge to improvisation, talent and the ability of DJs to adapt to any situation. A show that tests their skill and musical knowledge, and that always generates great expectations among the public. Mythical DJs of the scene such as Nassim O, Pedro Generelo or Guille de Juan will face each other in this duel where there are no weapons, but songs.

In a month full of festivals, Barcelona consolidates itself as an international benchmark in the musical field. The Gran Price Vinyl Fest is an essential event for all those looking for a unique and authentic experience around music in analog format. And did we already mention that it’s free?

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