The TSJ paved the way for the trial for the tragic explosion in Aguada San Roque

In a resolution known at noon this Thursday, the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice decided to reject the appeals presented by the prosecution, the complaint and the defense, which intervene in the file for the tragic explosion of a school in the area Aguada San Roque. With this, he paved the way for the trial to begin on August 5. According to what was officially reported, the resolution bears the signatures of members Elosu Larumbe and Evaldo Darío Moya, members of the criminal chamber of the TSJ.

On February 28, Guarantees Judge Mario Tommasi had rejected the claims of the defendants Diego Patricio Bulgheroni and Eduardo Afione, who requested that they be granted a suspension of trial on probation.

The case was processed, for the most part, by zoom. Source (MPF)

The defense of the accused then presented an Objection. But that court upheld Tommasi’s decision regarding Bulgheroni and overturned Afione’s. They reiterated an extraordinary challenge before the TSJ, which is the one that was declared inadmissible this Thursday.

Therefore, the cause of the explosion in Aguada San Roque It was ready to be debated in an oral and public trial that will begin on August 5 at the facilities of the Judicial City of Neuquén. He The trial court will be made up of judges Lisandro Federico Fidel Borgonovo, Diego Fernando Chavarría Ruiz and Ignacio Pombo.

The case is ready for the start of the oral trial. Source (MPF)

On June 29, 2021, an explosion and subsequent fire occurred in the girls’ hostel sector of school 144 in Aguada San Roque, which caused the death of the registered gas engineer Nicolás Francés, his nephew Mariano Spinedi and, days later, the teacher Mónica Jara. The investigation revealed what prosecutor Sandra González Taboada described as a “chain of corruption” that led to the tragic explosion, which included advance payments for work not done, use of inferior quality materials and the authorization of the school when this should not have happened.

Therefore, officials from the Provincial Council of Education, Public Works and representatives of the construction company were charged. Those who will go to trial are the technical representative of the company, architect Diego Patricio Bulgheroni; the managing partner of the company Arte Construcciones Héctor Villanueva Montalbán, Sergio Percat, construction inspector, Raúl Capdevilla, provincial director of Contracted Works of the Ministry of Public Works, Carlos Córdoba, of the same organization and the former secretary of Public Works, Guillermo Deza . The senior construction master, Eduardo Afione, will benefit from a suspension of trial to probation.

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